
Hello, my friend! I’m thrilled you’re here! Let me share a little about myself and why I started this blog to help you understand Scorpio men better and create happier relationships with them.

A Little About Me

Hi, I’m Sonny!

Scorpio Man, Husband, Father, Blogger……. and of course, a Gemini’s Partner!

I’ve been married to my wonderful Gemini wife for over 10 years, and yes, she loves it when I share our love story on the internet for all to see. We have a beautiful 6-year-old son who is the apple of our eyes.

And most days, I’m just doing my best to balance my roles as a husband, father, and making time for myself.

As a Scorpio man, my relationships were not always smooth sailing.

There was a lot I had to learn about helping others understand me, compromising with them, and being honest with myself about when I needed to take responsibility for why a relationship didn’t work out.

These lessons I am now able to share to help you.

I Want to Help You Understand Scorpio Men Better…

Are you in a relationship with a Scorpio man and feeling overwhelmed?

Do you need help figuring out how to navigate the complexities of his personality without losing yourself?

Do you feel like you’re constantly trying to understand him, but not really getting anywhere?

Relationships are complicated and as adults, our to-do lists are jam-packed. Between taking care of day-to-day responsibilities, and whatever else life throws at us, it can be easy to feel lost. Relationships with Scorpio men should be easier, but they unfortunately aren’t.

I’ve found that many women struggle to understand their Scorpio partners. As a Scorpio man, I’ve seen how much my wife and I have grown together over the years and I want to use what I’ve learned with her to help you figure out your relationship with your Scorpio man.

Now, I will be the first to tell you that I’m not the perfect husband or father. I’m dealing with similar life struggles as you. But, I’ve managed to maintain a successful relationship with my Gemini wife for over a decade, and I think that’s pretty darn good.

I think my optimistic, don’t-worry-be-happy personality makes me well-equipped to deal with relationships’ ups and downs. I’m naturally a very low-key, easy-going, roll-with-the-punches kind of guy.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, I’ve got a ridiculously annoying smile on my face. I’m happy. Truly.

And here at Scorpiosided, I want to provide you with practical tips and encouraging stories to help you understand your Scorpio man better and stress less also.

I Want To Help You With These Things:

  • Understanding Scorpio Men – I know first-hand how stressful it can feel when you’re in a relationship with a Scorpio man and don’t understand him! It can make you second-guess yourself a lot. There are a lot of mixed signals that are sometimes very difficult to understand. I’ll help you figure these out.

  • Relationship Advice – Spoiler alert… I’m a sucker for a good love story and relationship advice! but I’ll be the first to tell you that the best love that you can get is the love and grace you give yourself. Everything will get easier when you start loving and prioritizing yourself.

  • Marriage – Even healthy marriages take work! And I want to pass along some little nuggets of marriage wisdom like how to show your Scorpio man that you love him and ideas for conversation starters for date nights!

  • Parenting – Being a parent can work your last nerve some days… If you have kids with a Scorpio man I totally get it! But I want to encourage you in your parenting role and give you some awesome ideas for easy parenting together!

  • Self Care – As busy individuals, we’re always putting others and our relationships before ourselves… but remember, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”, so you need to take care of you, too!

What You Can Expect Here

I want to make this blog as intercative, fun and as helpful as possible. To do that I will be providing you with access to a community with other people who are in relationships with Scorpio men, so that you can learn from them, practical relationship tips, daily activities, courses, quizzes, and fun affirmation ideas, according to your zodiac sign!

Let’s Be Friends!

I’m so glad that you are here, and I would love to get to know you! You are always welcome to leave comments on my posts, or shoot me an email (sonny@scorpiosided.com). Maybe share some of your favorite ways to maintain a happy relationship with a Scorpio man?

Share your feedback

I value your input in shaping our upcoming membership site. Share your ideas on how we could create a community where others can come to talk and learn about creating the best relationship with Scorpio men.


Members Feedback
1. How likely are you to join a membership site dedicated to improving relationships with Scorpio men?
2. What topics or themes would you like the membership community to focus on?
5. How frequently would you prefer new content or updates on the membership site?
6. What price range would you consider reasonable for a monthly membership