16 Things it means when a Scorpio says I love you

When Scorpios say “I love you,” most of the time they truly mean it. They are not one to use those words lightly, and they will only tell you that they love you if they really do.

If a Scorpio says “I love you,” it means that they care about you deeply and want to be in a long-term relationship with you.

For Scorpios saying “I love you” could mean a combination of other different things.

Let’s look at some of them

16 Things it means when Scorpios say I love you

1. They truly love you

When Scorpios say “I love you,” they are telling you this because they truly love you.

Scorpios usually do not throw around “I love yous” lightly to people that they don’t truly love.

So you can bet on the fact that if you hear this from a Scorpio they’re being truthful.

2. They care deeply about you

When a Scorpio tells you they love you, it usually means that they care about you very deeply.

They want to make sure that you are happy and that you feel safe with them.

They will do anything to make sure that you are okay, and you can always count on them when you need them.

3. They are ready to become exclusive with you

Scorpios are generally very picky with the people who they allow to get close to them because they don’t trust people very quickly.

The same can be said for their love relationships.

So, if a Scorpio tells you that they love you it means that they are ready to take things to the next level with you and become exclusive.

It means that they have thought about having a committed relationship with you.

4. They want to make things official

When a Scorpio says I love you, it means that they want to make things official.

They are ready to call you their boyfriend or girlfriend, and they want to start a life with you.

This is a big step for them, and they are serious about taking things to the next level with you.

5. They see a future

Maybe there is a lot about you that attracts the Scorpio.

If they say ‘I love you’ to you it’s a sign that they see a future with you.

They feel something special for you and see potential in the relationship. It’s not just a casual thing for them.

6. They are happy with you

If a Scorpio tells you they love you, it usually means that they are happy with you.

They are content with the relationship and feel like it is going well.

They see you as someone who makes them happy, and they want to keep things the way they are.

7. You are their best friend

Scorpios love to be around dependable, trusted partners and friends.

When they say “I love you,” it means that they see you as one of their best friends. Someone they can rely on and someone they can trust.

They want to be able to tell you everything, especially when they truly appreciate your relationship with them.

8. They want to spend the rest of their life with you

When Scorpios say “I love you,” it usually means that they want to spend the rest of their life with you.

It might be that they see you as their soulmate and someone they can’t imagine living without.

If you hear this from a Scorpio, know that they are serious about you and the relationship.

9. They think you are amazing

Scorpios are always searching for genuine people who are willing to be their true unique selves.

They could be their friends or potential partner.

So, if a Scorpio says “I love you,” it means that they think you are amazing and that they appreciate you for who you are.

10. They will always be there for you

When a Scorpio says “I love you,” it usually means that they will always be there for you.

They are a loyal friend, and they will always be there to support you and help you through tough times.

Scorpios will ride or die for their true friends, but it takes a lot to build that kind of relationship with them.

11. You can trust them with your life

Scorpios pride themselves on being genuine with the people they love and surround themselves around.

If a Scorpio tells you they love you, it means that you can trust them with your life and know that they would never betray you.

It means that you can rely on them to have your back no matter what.

12. You make them feel alive

When a Scorpio tells you that they love you it means that you make them feel alive and you fill their life with happiness.

It’s probably because you bring out the best in them and they feel like they can always count on you to make them feel good.

13. You are special to them

When a Scorpio finds someone they feel like they can trust and depend on, they’ll cherish that person forever.

You can know that you’re special to them if they say “I love you.”

It means that you mean the world to them and that they want to keep you in their life for a very long time.

14. You are the love of their life

When Scorpios say “I love you,” it usually means that you are the love of their life.

Maybe they are madly in love with you and see you as their perfect match and someone they want to be with.

If you hear this from a Scorpio, know that they are truly in love with you and that they want to spend the rest of their life with you.

15. They cannot imagine their life without you

When a Scorpio tells you that they love you, it usually means that they cannot imagine their life without you.

They see you as an essential part of their life and someone they want to be with forever.

If you hear this from a Scorpio, know that they are probably deeply in love with you and want to spend the rest of their life with you.

16. They’re trying to string you along

When a Scorpio says “I love you,” it might not always mean that they actually do love you.

Sometimes they might say it to string you along and keep you interested in them.

So, if you’re not sure whether or not a Scorpio actually loves you, it’s best to start paying attention to signs and red flags you might be lied to.

How to know if a Scorpio loves you

When a Scorpio loves you, they’ll make time for you and they are completely devoted to you.

They will try to be there for you through thick and thin, and they will make effort to make things work between the two of you.

Scorpios aren’t easy to open up and trust others, so when they’re close with you and find that they can depend on you, they’ll usually cherish the relationship you have.

Scorpios can also be very passionate lovers, and they will often express their love for you in physical ways.

They may also shower you with gifts and attention, and try to do things to make you feel special.

But mostly they show their love through non-physical ways, like spending alone time in your company engaged in intellectual conversations.

Scorpios silent love

Scorpios’ silent love is when a Scorpio loves you but doesn’t express their feeling using words. This means they don’t say ‘I love you’ from their mouths but they assume you know.

On the surface, Scorpios may seem calm and collected. But beneath this cool exterior lies a passionate heart that is easily stirred by love.

When a Scorpio falls in love, they often become devoted and loyal partners.

They can also be very intense and possessive, which can be both a positive and negative trait in a relationship.

However, Scorpios are often private about their feelings and can be quite reserved when it comes to expressing emotions. This can make them seem distant at times.

But for those who know how to read the signs, you know that Scorpios are capable of great love and affection.

In relationships, Scorpios will often give their all in order to create a strong bond with their partner.

And while they may not always be the most outwardly demonstrative sign, the depth of feeling that a Scorpio is capable of is truly remarkable.

Why do Scorpios love silently?

When it comes to love, Scorpios are not afraid to wear their hearts on their sleeves. However, they often prefer to express their love silently.

This is because Scorpios understand the power of silence. By remaining silent, they are able to convey their feelings more deeply and authentically.

In addition, silence allows Scorpios to reflect on their own emotions, ensuring that they are truly ready to open up to someone else.

For Scorpios, love is a profound and intimate experience, one that is best expressed through silence.

The other times Scorpios will love someone in silence is when they’re unsure how the other person feels about them.

They don’t want to express their love until they know that the feeling is mutual.

Scorpios also tend to be guarded when it comes to love, and they may not express their feelings until they’re sure that the other person is worthy of their trust.


When Scorpios say “I love you,” it usually means that they really mean it.

They are a sign that takes their relationships seriously, and once they fall in love, they are in it for the long haul.

Scorpios are usually not the type to say ‘I love you’ lightly, so if they do say it, you can be sure that it’s because you mean a lot to them.

If you’ve had a great relationship with a Scorpio, where you have proven to them that they can depend on you and trust you, don’t be surprised if they tell you they love you.

When they find people who will stick by them through anything, they usually cherish those relationships because they’re hard to find.

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