19 Things that Scorpios do when they’re mad at you

There are few things as unnerving as when a Scorpio is mad at you.

They can be incredibly vengeful, and they never forget a wrong done to them.

If you’ve managed to anger a Scorpio, there’s no telling what they’ll do next.

It’s important to understand why they’re upset. Scorpios are intensely passionate and when they’re mad at someone, it means that they feel betrayed or hurt in some way.

Trying to rationalize with them or defending yourself will only make things worse. 

The best thing to do is simply apologize and express your regret.

Scorpios appreciate honesty and authenticity, so if you can show them that you really are sorry for what you did wrong, they’ll likely forgive you fairly.

Let’s first look at some of the things that make Scorpio mad. Keep reading to learn more!

10 Things that make Scorpios mad

1. Betrayal

If you’ve managed to anger a Scorpio, it’s likely because you’ve betrayed them in some way.

This sign is incredibly passionate, and they invest themselves deeply in their relationships.

They expect loyalty and faithfulness from those closest to them, and betraying their trust is the worst possible thing you can do.

If you’ve been unfaithful to a Scorpio, they’ll never forgive you. It’s best to come clean and hope for their forgiveness than to try and hide it from them.

2. Lying to a Scorpio

If you’ve lied to a Scorpio, you’re in for it. They have a very strong sense of justice, and they will make it their mission to hold you accountable for your actions.

They’ll want to know why you lied, and they won’t be satisfied until they believe that you’re truly sorry.

Scorpios are also very vengeful, so if you’ve wronged them in some way, you can expect to pay for it.

They’ll make sure that you realize the error of your ways, and they’ll do everything in their power to make you suffer.

If you’ve made a Scorpio angry, it’s best to try to make things right as quickly as possible.

3. Deceitfulness

Scorpios are the epitome of passion, and they wear their hearts on their sleeves.

If you’ve managed to hurt or deceive them in some way, they’ll never forget it. They may even go out of their way to get revenge.

If you’re trying to make up with a Scorpio, it’s important to be honest and open with them.

They’ll appreciate your sincerity and may be more willing to forgive you.

Scorpios are also incredibly stubborn, so don’t expect them to forgive you right away.

They’ll need time to cool off and process their emotions. In the meantime, it’s best to give them some space.

Once they’re ready to talk again, be prepared to listen to their grievances.

They’ll likely want to discuss what happened in detail and why they’re upset. It’s important to be patient and understanding during this conversation.

If you’re lucky, the Scorpio will forgive you and things will go back to normal.

However, they may hold a grudge against you for a long time. It’s important to be careful in the future and not make the same mistake twice.

4. Infidelity

Infidelity is one of the worst offenses you can commit against a Scorpio. This sign values trust and loyalty above all else, and they’ll never forgive a cheating partner.

If you’re trying to make things right with a Scorpio, be prepared for a long and difficult road ahead.

They’ll need time to process their hurt and anger, and they may never fully trust you again.

5. Being ignored

Scorpios are mad when they feel ignored or unimportant.

They need to know that they’re valued, and if you’ve made them feel like they don’t matter, they’ll be furious.

Try to make an effort to include them and show them that you care.

Complimenting them will also go a long way. Scorpios love compliments and appreciation.

If you can make them feel good about themselves, they’ll be much more likely to forgive you.

6. Being disrespected

Disrespecting a Scorpio is one of the quickest ways to make a Scorpio mad.

These proud beings demand respect, and they’ll never hesitate to take revenge if they feel like they’ve been disrespected.

If you want to make up with a Scorpio, start by apologizing and making it clear that you understand why they’re upset.

Next, try to avoid making the same mistake again.

Scorpios can be very forgiving at times, but they’ll probably never forget an insult or a slight for a second or third time.

If you want to stay on their good side, it’s important to be mindful of how you treat them.

7. Having their trust violated

If you’ve lied to them or gone behind their back, they’ll never forgive you.

They take a lot of pride in being honest and truthful, and they expect the same from those around them. If you’ve violated their trust, they’ll never forget it.

They may not show it on the outside, but Scorpios are actually quite sensitive. They feel things deeply, and when someone hurts them, it takes a long time for them to heal.

8. Being taken for granted

It doesn’t matter how much you love your Scorpio partner, if you start taking them for granted they will get mad.

They need to feel appreciated, and if they don’t feel like they are, they will find someone who will give them the attention they think they deserve.

Scorpios are also very independent, and they need their space. If you start smothering them or trying to control them, they will lash out.

It’s important to give them the freedom to do their own thing, and not take it personally if they want to spend some time alone.

9. Feeling unappreciated

One of the main reasons Scorpios get mad is when they feel unappreciated.

They pour their heart and soul into everything they do, and they expect to be recognized for it.

If you’re the one who’s caused them to feel unappreciated, it’ll take a lot of groveling to make up for it.

Scorpios are also very sensitive, so even if you didn’t mean to hurt their feelings, they may still be upset.

In this case, a sincere apology and some extra attention should do the trick.

10. Being powerless or feeling helpless will

Scorpios can be quite manipulative and will often try to control the situation by making you feel guilty or ashamed.

If you try to fight back or reason with them, they’ll only get angrier. The best thing you can do is give them some space to calm down and cool off.

Once they’ve had some time to themselves, they’ll be ready to talk about what’s bothering them.

It’s important to listen to them and be understanding.

Showing genuine remorse for whatever it is you did will go a long way towards repairing the damage.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Some Scorpios are more easygoing than others, and they may not get mad so easily.

If you’re not sure whether or not you’ve upset them, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and apologize anyway.

Scorpios can be difficult to deal with when they’re angry, but if you take the time to understand them and make things right, they’ll eventually forgive you.

Just be patient and don’t push them too hard – they’ll come around in their own time.

19 Things that happen when a Scorpio is mad at you

1. They give you the silent treatment and ignore you

One of the first things you’ll notice when a Scorpio is mad at you is that they’ll start giving you the silent treatment.

They’ll refuse to speak to you or even acknowledge your existence.

They’ll shut down all communication and pretend like you don’t exist.

If you try to talk to them, they’ll give you one-word answers or completely ignore you.

This can be incredibly frustrating, but it’s important to give them the space they need.

Scorpios need time to process their emotions, and they’ll eventually come around.

In the meantime, try not to take it personally.

They’re not mad at you because they don’t like you, they’re just trying to figure things out.

If you want to make up with a Scorpio, try reaching out to them after a few days.

Send them a text or an email and let them know that you’re sorry for whatever you did.

They’ll appreciate the gesture, and it’ll help repair the damage that’s been done.

2. They try to make you feel guilty

Scorpios are masters of manipulation, and they will often try to make you feel guilty for what you did.

They might say things like, “I can’t believe you would do this to me,” or, “How could you hurt me like this?”

Even if you didn’t mean to hurt them, they will make you feel like it was all your fault.

3. They become sarcastic or snarky

When a Scorpio is mad at you, the last thing you want to do is make light of the situation with sarcasm or snark.

This will only make them angrier, and they’ll be more likely to lash out. Instead, try to be sincere and honest in your apology.

Scorpios are also very prideful, so it’s important to avoid making them feel like they’re in the wrong.

Even if you know that you’re at fault, try to find a way to apologize without admitting culpability.

This will go a long way in repairing your relationship.

Of course, sometimes a Scorpio’s anger can be unjustified.

If you feel like you’ve done nothing wrong, stand your ground and defend yourself.

Scorpios respect strength and conviction, so if you can stand up to them, they’ll eventually come around.

4. They blame you for everything

Scorpios are very logical, so when they’re mad at you, they will try to find every single way that you’re at fault.

No matter what the issue is, they will find a way to pin it on you.

They might even bring up things that happened months or years ago that you had forgotten about.

If you’re not careful, a Scorpio’s blame game can make you start doubting yourself.

They’re master manipulators, and they know how to push your buttons.

Don’t fall for it! Remember that they’re just trying to control the situation and make themselves feel better.

Scorpios are also incredibly stubborn, so once they’ve decided that you’re to blame, it’s very hard to change their mind.

They will hold onto their grudge until you’ve made things right in their eyes.

5. They make passive-aggressive comments

If you’re the target of a Scorpio’s ire, one way they might express it is through making snarky or cutting remarks.

They might do this in person, or they might do it behind your back.

But either way, their intention is to hurt you.

Scorpios are known for their sharp tongues, so if you’re on the receiving end of their barbs, it can be quite painful.

But try to remember that they’re only doing this because they’re hurt or upset about something.

If you can figure out what the issue is, you’ll be one step closer to making up with them.

Of course, this isn’t always easy.

Scorpios can be notoriously difficult to read, and they’re not always forthcoming about what’s bothering them.

But if you can manage to get to the root of the problem, it’ll be much easier to patch things up.

6. They threaten revenge

One of the most distinct qualities of a Scorpio is their ability to hold a grudge.

If you’ve wronged them in some way, they’ll never forget it.

And, more often than not, they’ll take their revenge.

This could manifest in a number of ways, from publicly embarrassing you to sabotaging your plans.

If a Scorpio is mad at you, it’s best not to cross them.

Of course, not all Scorpios are vengeful by nature.

Some may simply withdraw from you, choosing to give you the silent treatment instead.

This can be just as effective (if not more so) than any revenge tactic.

By ignoring you, they’re effectively cutting you out of their life. And, for a Scorpio, that’s the ultimate punishment.

If you find yourself on the receiving end of a Scorpio’s anger, it’s important to try and make things right.

They value loyalty and honesty above all else, so the best way to win them back is to show them that you’re sorry and that you won’t make the same mistake again.

7. They gossip about you behind your back

One of the most common things that Scorpios do when they’re mad at someone is to gossip about them behind their back.

They’ll try to find dirt on you and use it against you.

If you’re lucky, they’ll just spread rumors. But if you’re not, they may try to sabotage your reputation.

Of course, this isn’t always the case.

Scorpios can also be incredibly loyal friends, and if they’re mad at you, it’s probably for a good reason.

But either way, it’s best to tread carefully around them until they’ve had a chance to cool down.

8. They try to ruin your reputation

Scorpios are known for being vengeful, and one of the ways they might try to get back at you is by trying to ruin your reputation.

They’ll spread gossip and rumors about you, and they might even try to sabotage your relationships with other people.

If you’re not careful, a Scorpio’s anger can cause a lot of damage to your life.

One of the worst things you can do is try to ignore a Scorpio when they’re mad at you.

They’ll see it as a sign of disrespect, and they’ll only become angrier.

It’s important to face them head-on and apologize for whatever it is you did wrong.

Once you’ve done that, they’ll start to calm down and forgiveness is possible.

9. They become vindictive

One of the most common things that happen when a Scorpio is mad at you is that they will become incredibly vindictive.

They’ll use any opportunity they can to get back at you, even if it means hurting themselves in the process.

If you’ve made a Scorpio angry, it’s best to just stay out of their way until they’ve had time to cool down.

Another thing that can happen is that they will completely withdraw from you.

They’ll refuse to talk to you or even acknowledge your existence.

This can be incredibly frustrating, but it’s important to give them the space they need.

If you try to force them to talk to you, it will only make things worse.

10. They try to control your behavior

When a Scorpio is mad at you they will try to control your behavior.

They might start to micromanage you or try to tell you what to do.

This is their way of trying to regain some control over the situation. If they feel like they’re losing control, it will only make them angrier.

They might also try to control your emotions by guilt-tripping you or making you feel guilty for what you did.

This is their way of trying to make you feel as bad as they do.

11. They give you dirty looks

One of the first things you’ll notice when a Scorpio is mad at you is that they’ll start giving you dirty looks.

This is their way of trying to intimidate you and make you feel uncomfortable.

If you can’t stand the heat, it might be best to stay away from them until they’ve cooled down.

12. They play the victim

Scorpios are natural-born leaders, and they’re not used to feeling like they’re powerless.

When someone has wronged them, they’ll want to take matters into their own hands and make the other person feel just as bad.

They may try to make you feel guilty or play the victim in order to get what they want.

13. They make false accusations

When they’re mad at you, Scorpios will often make false accusations.

They might accuse you of something you didn’t do, or they might try to make you feel guilty for something that wasn’t your fault.

Either way, it’s important not to take these accusations to heart. Scorpios are just trying to hurt you the way you hurt them.

They will also try to make you feel jealous by flirting with other people or talking about their exes.

Scorpios know that jealousy is a powerful emotion, and they’ll use it to try to control you.

14. They play mind games with you

One of the ways a Scorpio will try to get back at you is by playing mind games.

They know how to push your buttons and get under your skin, and they’ll use this to their advantage.

If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself in a never-ending cycle of arguments and mind games.

Scorpios are also experts at manipulation. If they’re really mad at you, they’ll try to manipulate you into doing what they want.

They’re not above using guilt or even blackmail to get their way, so it’s important to be careful around them.

If you’re on the receiving end of a Scorpio’s anger, it’s important to try and stay calm.

Losing your temper will only make the situation worse, and it’ll give them the satisfaction of knowing they’ve gotten to you.

Keep your cool, and eventually, they’ll calm down too.

15. They try to make you feel crazy

Scorpios are known for being manipulative, and they may try to gaslight you when they’re mad.

They might say things like “you’re overreacting” or “you’re being ridiculous.”

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to stay calm and collected. Don’t let them get under your skin!

They may also try to take away your power in other ways.

For example, they might try to control the conversation or make all the decisions.

They might also try to make you feel guilty for their anger.

All of this is just a way for Scorpios to try and regain the upper hand.

They want to make you feel small so that they can feel better. But you’re not going to let them get away with it!

16. They try to make you feel helpless and powerless

If a Scorpio is really upset with you, they might try to make you feel helpless.

This can manifest in a variety of ways, from withholding information to gaslighting you.

They want you to feel like they’re in control, and that you have no power over the situation.

It’s a manipulative tactic, but it can be effective if you’re not careful.

Trying to make you feel powerless is one of their favorite pastimes.

They’ll try to make you feel guilty for all the wrongs you’ve done, even if those wrongs were unintentional.

They want you to feel as bad as they do, and they’ll use any means necessary to make that happen.

If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing to do is try to stay calm and level-headed.

Don’t take their bait, and don’t let them see that they’re getting to you. Once they realize that they can’t upset you, they’ll likely back down.

Of course, this isn’t always possible, and sometimes a Scorpio will just be too stubborn to let go of their grudge.

If that’s the case, you might need to give them some time to cool off. They’ll eventually come around, but it might take a while.

In the meantime, try to avoid them as much as possible. If you can’t do that, at least try to stay on their good side.

They’re not always rational when they’re angry, so it’s best not to provoke them further.

17. They try to make you feel worthless

One of the most hurtful things a Scorpio can do when they’re mad is to try and make you feel worthless.

They’ll say things to try and undermine your confidence and make you question yourself.

It’s important not to let their words get to you, because they’re just trying to get in your head to hurt you.

They may also try to sabotage your relationships with other people.

If they’re mad at you, they might try to turn your friends and family against you.

They could also spread rumors about you or try to damage your reputation in some way.

It’s important to remember that a Scorpio’s anger is usually temporary.

Sometimes they’re too passionate for their own good and bad, but most tend to forgive and forget eventually.

18. They try to make you feel isolated

When a Scorpio is mad at you they may try to make you feel isolated and alone.

They may give you the silent treatment or refuse to communicate with you in any way.

This is their way of trying to control the situation and make you feel as powerless as possible.

19. They try to make you feel like there’s no way out

Scorpios will sometimes try to make you feel isolated and alone when they’re mad at you.

They’ll give you the silent treatment or make pointed comments that let you know just how upset they are.

If you’re on the receiving end of this behavior, it’s important to stay calm and collected.

Don’t stoop to their level by getting angry yourself – that will only make the situation worse.

Instead, try to talk to them about what’s going on and see if you can resolve the issue. If possible.

What not to do when a Scorpio is mad:

  • Don’t try to rationalize with them or defend yourself. It will only make them angrier.
  • Don’t stoop to their level by getting angry yourself. That will only make the situation worse.
  • Don’t try to ignore them or pretend like nothing is wrong. They’ll see right through that.

10 Things to do when a Scorpio is mad at you:

  • Talk to them about what’s going on and try to resolve the issue.
  • Apologize if you’ve done something wrong.
  • Try to make amends and repair the damage that’s been done.
  • Give them some space if they need it. Scorpios often need time to calm down and process their feelings.
  • Be patient. Scorpios are notoriously slow to forgive, but if you’re persistent, they eventually will. Just don’t push too hard or you’ll make the situation worse.
  • Don’t engage in their games. If they’re trying to make you feel isolated or alone, don’t let them.
  • Talk to them about what’s going on. They need to know that you’re not going to tolerate their behavior.
  • Set boundaries. Let them know what you will and won’t tolerate from them.
  • Stand up for yourself. Don’t let them walk all over you.
  • Seek help from others if necessary. If they’re truly being unreasonable, you may need to get some outside help to deal with the situation.


If you’re the one who messed up, the best way to make amends is to take full responsibility for your actions.

A Scorpio will be more likely to forgive you if they see that you’re truly sorry for what you did.

They’ll also appreciate it if you take steps to repair the damage that’s been done.

Scorpios are some of the most misunderstood people, and it’s usually because people don’t bother to look beneath the surface.

If you’re close to a Scorpio, or if one has caught your attention, it’s important to understand their sign-specific traits.

Once you do, you’ll be able to decode their ways, moods and figure out how best to approach them when they’re mad.

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