24 Ways Scorpios try to make you jealous

Have you ever had a Scorpio try to make you jealous?

If so, you may have wondered why they do it.

Do they like the feeling of having power over someone else?

Are they trying to test your loyalty or commitment to them?

Or are they just insecure and need validation from others?

No matter the reason, jealousy is a complicated emotion and can be tough to deal with.

Scorpion personalities can be very intriguing, but also frustrating.

If you’re not sure how to handle a situation where your Scorpio partner is trying to make you jealous, read on for some tips.

Let’s look at some of the ways Scorpios try to make you jealous.

24 Ways Scorpios might try to make you jealous

1. Constantly flirting with others in front of you

This is probably the most common way that Scorpios will try to make you jealous.

They know that you are interested in them and they will use that to their advantage.

They will flirt with other people right in front of you and they will make sure that you see it.

This is their way of trying to make you jealous and it usually works.

2. Talking about their exes

Another way that Scorpios will try to make you jealous is by talking about their exes.

They will bring up their exes in conversation and they will talk about how great they were in the relationship.

Great times they had.

They know that this will make you jealous and they will use it to their advantage.

3. Going out of their way to spend time with someone you’re jealous of

Scorpios will also go out of their way to spend time with someone you’re jealous of.

They know that this will make you jealous and they will do it just to get a reaction out of you.

They will make sure that you see them spending time with this person and they will make it a point to talk about it.

4. Talking about how much fun they had with someone else

Scorpios are the masters of passive-aggressive behavior, and one way they like to get under your skin is by talking about how much fun they had with someone else.

They know that you’re the jealous type, so they’ll drop little hints about how great their time was, just to see how you react.

And if you do get jealous, they’ll enjoy knowing that they have that power over you.

So, if you’re dating a Scorpio and they start talking about their fun night out with friends, don’t get too upset.

They’re probably just trying to get a rise out of you.

And if you can keep your cool, they’ll eventually get bored and move on.

5. Refusing to commit to you

Scorpios are fiercely independent, and they need their freedom.

So, if you’re trying to get them to commit to a relationship, they may start acting distant or even cold.

They’re not trying to be mean, they just don’t want to be tied down.

And if you keep pushing, they may try to make you jealous as a way of making you back off.

6. Being secretive and evasive

Scorpios are known for being secretive and evasive, and they may use this trait to make you jealous.

They’ll disappear for days or weeks at a time, and when you finally get in touch with them, they’ll be vague about where they’ve been or what they’ve been doing.

They know that this will drive you crazy, and that’s exactly their intention.

7. Being overly critical of you

Scorpios are known for being intense, very critical, and judgmental sometimes, so it’s no surprise that they would try to make you feel jealous by nitpicking everything you do.

If they feel like you’re not living up to their standards, they will definitely let you know about it in a way that makes it clear that they think you could do better.

They might say things like:

  • “I can’t believe you’re still wearing that outfit”
  • “You’re so lazy, why can’t you be more like me?”
  • “Why don’t you ever listen to me?”

All of these comments are designed to make you feel bad about yourself so that you’ll try harder to please them.

Scorpios are also known for being very jealous themselves, so if you’re not giving them enough attention, they might start to feel insecure and try to make you feel the same way.

8. Flirting with your friends

Scorpios can be some of the most flirtatious, so it should come as no surprise that one way they try to make you jealous is by flirting with your friends.

If you have a close group of friends that Scorpio is also friendly with, they may start to flirt with them right in front of you.

It could be something as simple as making a joke and touching their arm, or it could be more overt, like trying to get your friends to go out with them on a date.

Scorpios are known for being manipulative, so this is their way of trying to control the situation and making you jealous.

9. Talking about other people’s relationships

Scorpios are known for being one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac, and they’ll definitely try to make you jealous if they think you’re interested in someone else.

They’ll bring up other people’s relationships, talk about how happy they are, and try to make you feel like you’re missing out.

Scorpios are also very good at reading people, so they might know if you’re interested in someone else and they’ll use that to their advantage.

10. Comparing you to others

One way a Scorpio might try to make you jealous is by constantly comparing you to other people.

Whether it’s in terms of looks, intelligence, or achievements, a Scorpio will find ways to put you down and make you feel like you’re not good enough.

11. Making you feel like you’re not good enough

A Scorpio might try to make you jealous by making you feel like you’re not good enough.

They might do this by talking about other people who they think are better than you or by making you feel like you’re not doing enough.

They might do this by talking about how great someone else is or by making you feel like you’re not good enough for them.

12. Putting you down in front of others

A Scorpio might try to make you jealous by putting you down in front of others.

This could be in the form of making an unpleasant comment about you to someone else, or by talking about other people in a way that makes them seem superior to you.

13. Making you feel left out

A Scorpio might try to make you jealous by making you feel left out of important things.

If they’re always talking about the inside jokes they have with other people or the fun they had without you, it’s because they want you to feel jealous.

They might also start hanging out with other people more and excluding you from plans.

It’s their way of trying to make you feel bad so that you’ll pay more attention to them.

Don’t fall for it! If a Scorpio is trying to make you jealous, it’s because they’re feeling insecure and they want your attention.

14. Ignoring you

One of the favorite ways Scorpios make you jealous is by ignoring you.

If they think you’re paying too much attention to someone else, they’ll make a point of ignoring you.

It’s their way of trying to get your attention and make you jealous.

15. Being distant and cold

Scorpios are known for being distant and cold, and when they’re trying to make you jealous, they’ll take it to the extreme.

They’ll be extra unfriendly and unresponsive, making it clear that they’re not interested in you anymore.

This will usually make you want to try harder to get their attention, which is exactly what they want.

16. Giving someone else attention when you’re around

One way a Scorpio might try to make you jealous is by giving someone else attention when you’re around.

This could involve talking to or flirting with someone else in front of you, or it could be something as simple as paying more attention to someone else’s needs than yours.

17. Making plans without you

If a Scorpio starts making plans without you, it’s probably a sign that they’re trying to make you jealous.

They know that you’re interested in them and they’re trying to show you that they’re not interested in you.

It’s their way of pushing you away.

And they know that making you feel like they’re not interested will probably start making you feel guilty and jealous of where their attention is.

18. Talking about their future without you

One of the most common ways a Scorpio will try to make you jealous is by talking about their future without you.

This can be done in a number of ways, such as talking about future plans that don’t include you or hinting at the possibility that you might both break up.

19. Not including you in important decisions

One way a Scorpio might try to make you jealous is by excluding you from important decisions.

If they feel like you’re not paying them enough attention, they might start making decisions without consulting you first.

This is their way of getting your attention and making sure you know that they’re still an important part of your life.

Or just to being spiteful and saying that they don’t need you.

20. Not being there for you when you need them

Scorpios will try to make you jealous by not being there for you when you need them.

This could mean not returning your calls or texts, or canceling plans at the last minute.

21. Not wanting to meet your family or friends

A Scorpio will avoid meeting your friends are family just to make you jealous.

This is because they want you to feel like you are not a priority and question how important you are to them in your relationship.

They will also give you the silent treatment or withdraw from you emotionally if they feel like you are not giving them enough attention.

Some Scorpios love a lot of attention and if they feel like they are not getting it from you, they will try to make you feel the same way by making you jealous.

22. Not being interested in the things you’re interested in

It’s not that Scorpios don’t care about the things you’re interested in, it’s just that they’d rather do their own thing.

And they’re not afraid to show it.

If you find yourself constantly trying to get their attention and failing, it’s probably because they’re purposely ignoring you.

They’re not interested in the things you’re interested in because they want to make you jealous.

23. Making you feel like you’re not a priority in their life

Scorpios are known for being fiercely independent, so it should come as no surprise that they often try to make their partners feel like they’re not a priority.

If you’re dating a Scorpio, you may notice that they start to neglect your needs or ignore your texts and calls.

24. Trying to make you jealous on purpose

Scorpios are known to be jealous people, but sometimes they’ll try to make you jealous on purpose.

They may do this for a variety of reasons, including feeling insecure in the relationship or wanting to get your attention.

Why do Scorpios try to make you jealous?

There are a few reasons why Scorpios might try to make you jealous.

Maybe they feel like you’re not giving them enough attention.

Maybe they want to test your loyalty.

Or, maybe they’re just trying to stir up some drama because they’re bored.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that Scorpios are just

to get attention and feel wanted.

What to do if a Scorpio is trying to make you Jealous?

If you think your Scorpio is trying to make you jealous, here are a few things you can do:

Talk to them about it: They might not even realize they’re doing it and once you point it out, they’ll stop.

Ignore their attempts: If you don’t react, they’ll eventually get bored and move on.

Give them what they want: If they’re feeling neglected, try giving them a little extra attention. Take them on a date or send them a flirty text.

Talk to their friends: Sometimes, talking to someone else can give you a better insight into what’s going on with your Scorpio.

Get counseling: If you’re in a relationship and really struggling to deal with a Scorpio who’s trying to make you jealous, it might be time to seek professional help.

End things: If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to be working, it might be time to end things. Scorpios can be a lot of work and sometimes it’s just not worth it.


If you’re experiencing any of these things, it’s important to communicate with your partner.

Jealousy can be a destructive emotion if it’s not dealt with in a healthy way.

And they sometimes become insecure and use it to make others around them jealous.

Scorpios can be great partners, but they also have a tendency to be jealous and possessive.

If you’re not comfortable with that, it’s important to communicate your needs with them.

And set boundaries with them for what you’re willing to tolerate.

Otherwise, the jealousy can become toxic and ruin the relationship.

Sometimes a Scorpio will make you feel jealous because they are jealous.

There’s a reason Scorpios are some of the most feared people in the zodiac.

They’re known for being manipulative, and they love to make their victims feel jealousy and insecurity.

If you’re unlucky enough to be caught in the Scorpion’s web, they’ll use your feelings against you to get what they want.

The best thing that you can do is understand the signs that a Scorpio is trying to make you jealous.

Communicate with them about it and set boundaries so that they know you’re not willing to tolerate their behavior.

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