19 Things a Scorpio man eye contact means

Intense and mysterious, Scorpios are often misunderstood. As the most sensual sign of the zodiac, they’re also the most private.

So it’s not surprising that many people are intrigued by Scorpio men and their sometimes unreadable eyes.

Looking into a Scorpio man’s eyes can be quite an experience.

You might become captivated by the intensity and secrets that seem to swirl in his dark depths.

He may not say much, but his eyes might tell you everything you need to know.

19 Reasons a Scorpio man makes eye contact with you 

If you find yourself locked in a stare with a Scorpio man, it’s important to know what his eyes are saying. Here are 19 possible messages he could be sending you:

1. I’m interested in you

There’s something about you that Scorpio finds fascinating.

He may not be able to put his finger on it, but he knows he wants to get to know you better.

His eyes will be locked on yours as he tries to figure you out.

2. I’m attracted to you

Scorpios are attracted to mystery and secrecy.

If he’s fixated on your eyes, it could be because he’s trying to understand the hidden depths of your soul.

He’s also attracted to what he sees on the surface.

If you’re beautiful and he can’t take his eyes off you, it’s because he’s physically attracted to you.

3. I want to get to know you better

Scorpios are known for being a bit of a loner.

He’s not the type to open up to just anyone.

So if he’s making eye contact with you, it may be because he wants to get to know you better and share some of his secrets with you.

4. You fascinate me

Scorpio men are always looking for the next thing to fascinate him.

He’s drawn to mystery and intrigue, so if he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he finds you fascinating.

He wants to know everything about you and is looking for clues in your eyes.

5. You intrigue me

Similar to being fascinated, Scorpio is also intrigued by people who are a bit of a mystery.

If he’s trying to figure you out with his eyes, it’s because he’s intrigued by you and wants to know more.

6. You make me feel comfortable

A Scorpio man can be quite guarded and doesn’t let just anyone into his inner circle.

If he’s making eye contact with you, it’s because he feels comfortable with you and wants to let his guard down.

He trusts you and feels like he can be himself around you.

7. I’m trying to figure you out

There’s something about you that I can’t quite figure out.

Scorpios are known for being mysterious and difficult to read.

If a Scorpio man is staring into your eyes, it’s because he’s trying to figure you out.

He’s looking for clues about who you are and what makes you tick.

8. I’m trying to read your emotions

Scorpios are very in tune with their own emotions and they can also read the emotions of others.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he’s trying to read your emotions and see what you’re feeling.

He’s also trying to see if you’re being honest with him.

9. I’m drawn to your intensity and passion

Scorpios are passionate beings and they’re attracted to others who are also intense and passionate.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he sees the same fire burning inside of you that he has.

He’s drawn to your intensity and passion and wants to explore that further.

10. Your eyes are beautiful

Scorpios are attracted to beauty in all forms.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he finds them beautiful.

He’s also drawn to the beauty of your soul and wants to get to know you better.

11. You’re a challenge

Scorpios love a good challenge.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he sees you as a challenge.

He wants to see if he can figure you out and he’s also drawn to the challenge of winning your heart.

12. You’re different from anyone else I’ve ever met

Scorpios are always looking for something new and different to keep them interested.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he sees you as different from anyone else he’s ever met.

He’s drawn to your uniqueness and wants to get to know you better.

13. I want to know all your secrets

Scorpios are known for being secretive and they’re also very good at keeping secrets.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he wants to know all of your secrets.

He’s also drawn to the mystery of you and wants to get to know you better.

14. I can’t stop thinking about you

If a Scorpio man is constantly making eye contact with you, it’s because he can’t stop thinking about you.

You’ve been on his mind constantly and he’s drawn to you.

He wants to get to know you better and explore the connection between you two.

15. I want to be with you

If a Scorpio man is looking into your eyes, it’s because he wants to be with you.

He’s drawn to you and the connection between you two.

He sees potential for something more between you and he wants to explore that further.

16. You make me feel alive

Scorpios are known for being passionate and intense.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because you make him feel alive.

You bring out the best in him and he’s drawn to you.

17. What are you thinking?

I can’t help but wonder what’s going on inside that head of yours.

Scorpios are known for being curious and they’re also very good at reading people.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he wants to know what you’re thinking.

He’s curious about you and he also wants to see if he can read your thoughts.

18. I want to get to know you better

If a Scorpio man is looking into your eyes, it’s because he wants to get to know you better.

He’s interested in you and he wants to explore the connection between you two.

There’s is something about you that intrigues him and he wants to know more.

19. I find you very attractive

Scorpios are known for being attracted to sensual appeal.

If he’s looking into your eyes, it’s because he finds you very attractive.

He’s also drawn to your body and inner beauty and he wants to get to know you better.


Eye contact is a very important aspect of communication. It can be used to show interest, build trust, and convey emotion.

For a Scorpio man, eye contact is especially important.

He uses it to read others’ emotions and intentions and to communicate his own feelings.

If you want to connect with a Scorpio man, make sure you maintain strong eye contact during your conversations.

If you find yourself in a staring contest with a Scorpio man, don’t be alarmed.

It could be that he’s just trying to figure you out.

And who knows?

He might even share some of his secrets with you.

Who knows what goes on behind those intense, unreadable eyes?

Only a Scorpio man knows for sure.

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