Do You Like To Cuddle? (Survey)

Scorpios are sometimes guarded about their feelings but does that make them hesitant to show affection, like cuddling?

Let’s see what this survey has to say.

By The Numbers

This survey had 127 Scorpios who participated. Let’s take a look at the numbers.

  • Yes – All the time (52 voted)
  • Yes – Sometimes (66 voted)
  • No – I don’t like them (9 voted)
Do You Like To Cuddle survey

What are the Respondents Saying?

Respondent #1

With me sometimes things can get complicated. I like cuddling but back up off me sometimes.

I often crave attention and intimacy but also love my space from time to time. Sometimes I’m lonely and other times I just want to be left alone.

Respondent #2

I am not cuddling anyone unless I gave birth to them or unless I’m deeply in love with someone and sharing the same bed.

Respondent #3

If you’re my family or significant other then absolutely but I’ll never hug a friend or stranger.


From the survey, we can conclude that Scorpios do enjoy giving and getting cuddles.

In fact, there is 90% of the respondents that proves this but they don’t seem to be into getting cuddles 24/7.

It just depends on the mood they’re in and the type of relationship they have with the person asking for the cuddles.

We can also assume that whether they do decide to give cuddles to someone is dependent on the trust and closeness that they have with that person.

This doesn’t mean that all Scorpios have the same views when it comes to cuddles though so the best way to know how the Scorpio in your life feels about cuddles is to ask them.

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