29 Ways to play a Scorpio man at his own game

There’s no one more ambitious, determined, and calculated than a Scorpio man.

So how do you compete with someone who always has the upper hand?

It may seem impossible, but with a little knowledge and strategy, you can outsmart and outmaneuver your Scorpio opponent.

When it comes to the Scorpio man, you have to be willing to play by his rules if you want to win his heart.

This sign is all about intensity and passion, so you need to bring your A-game if you want him to take notice.

Why would you want to play a Scorpio at his own game?

You would want to play a Scorpio at his own game because he can sometimes seem to always be two steps ahead.

If you can figure out his game, then you can use it to your advantage.

Sometimes he doesn’t let you know what he is thinking, and this has you on your toes.

Playing a Scorpio at his own game can be a lot of fun, and it can be a challenge.

He is a complex man, and he can be hard to figure out. But if you can, then you can use that to your advantage.

Just be prepared for a battle, because he may not make it easy for you.

29 Ways you can play a Scorpio man at his own game

1. Understand the Scorpio man’s personality traits

Understanding the Scorpio man’s personality and using that as an advantage to play into his ego is one of the best ways that you can keep up with him and also win at whatever game or motive he has.

This sign is all about passion, so if you can appeal to that and make him feel like you understand him better than anyone else, he will definitely be intrigued.

2. Be passionate and intense like he is

If you can be just as intense and passionate as a Scorpio, then you might have him wrapped around your finger.

This is because Scorpios love a good challenge, and they also love someone who can keep up with them.

So if you can show him that you are just as passionate as he is about anything and everything, then you will definitely have his attention.

3. Use your intuition to get ahead of him

Since Scorpios are known for their intuition, you can use this to your advantage by outsmarting him with your own intuition.

This means that you need to be aware of what he is thinking before he even knows it, and then you can use that information to your advantage.

This can be tricky because he already has a powerful intuition and can sometimes see your motives, so this may be challenging for you.

4. Make sure you always have a plan and are ready for anything

Scorpios love a challenge, so make sure you always have a plan and are ready for anything.

If you can keep him on his toes, he’ll be intrigued and drawn to you like a moth to a flame.

5. Be unpredictable

Keep him guessing and on his toes.

Don’t give him too much information, and be unpredictable in your actions.

He’ll love trying to figure you out and will be constantly on his toes around you.

6. Don’t be afraid to be a little bit manipulative

Since Scorpios are known for being manipulative, you can use this to your advantage.

Play into his ego and make him feel like he is the one in control.

However, be careful not to cross the line and make him feel like you are taking advantage of him.

Some Scorpios can be very vindictive if they feel like they have been wronged.

7. Know what makes him feel good and give it to him

If you can figure out what makes a Scorpio man feel good, then you can use that to your advantage.

This could be anything from knowing what he is interested into appealing to his passions.

Once you know what makes him feel good, make sure you give it to him as often as possible.

8. Be loyal and supportive, but also independent

Scorpios love a loyal and supportive partner, but they also are attracted to someone who is independent.

So make sure you are always there for him, but also make sure you have your own life and interests.

This will make him respect you more and also want to be around you more.

9. Make him feel like he’s the only man in the world

Since Scorpios love attention and being the center of attention, makes him feel like he is the only man in the world.

Make him feel like he is the most special and important person to you, and he will definitely be drawn to you.

10. Stay true to yourself, but also be flexible

Scorpios love someone who is authentic and true to themselves, but they also appreciate someone who can be flexible.

So make sure you stay true to who you are, but also be willing to compromise and go with the flow.

This will make him feel like you are a compatible match for him.

11. Stay beautiful and alluring, always

Since Scorpios love beauty and allure, make sure you always stay beautiful and alluring.

This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, but it does mean you should always take care of yourself and put your best foot forward.

He will appreciate all the effort you put into looking good for him, and he will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.

12. Challenge him and push him to be his best

Scorpios love a good challenge and they also love someone who can push them to be their best.

challenge him and push him to his limits. This will make him respect you more and also see you as a worthy opponent.

13. Be honest, but also mysterious

Scorpios love honesty, but they also love a little bit of mystery.

It intrigues them.

So make sure you are always honest with him, but also hold back some information.

This will make him want to know more about you and also keep him intrigued.

14. Make him work for your love

Scorpios love a good challenge. Don’t make things too easy for him.

Make him work for your love. Make him earn your trust and respect.

This will make him appreciate you more and also make him feel like he has won something valuable.

15. Make him feel like he’s in control

Since Scorpios love being in control, make sure you let him feel like he is in charge.

This could be anything from letting him make all the decisions in the relationship to simply following his lead.

Just make sure you aren’t too passive and let him take advantage of you.

16. Be flirty and playful

Scorpio men love some good flirting. It heats them up and gets them excited.

So be flirty and playful with him but don’t make things too easy.

Add a little mystery to it too.

17. Make him feel needed and wanted

Scorpios love being needed and wanted, so make sure you let him know that he is important to you.

This could be anything from needing his help with something to simply making him feel like he is your number one.

Just make sure you let him know how much you appreciate him.

18. Weigh your options and make a calculated decision

Since Scorpios love to think things through, make sure you weigh your options and make a calculated decision.

Don’t make decisions on a whim, since he will definitely pick up on that and it will turn him off.

Make sure you take your time and think things through before making any decisions.

19. Be willing to take risks

Scorpios love a challenge, and they love it, even more, when they know their partner is taking risks for them.

If you’re willing to take a few risks in your relationship, you’ll keep things exciting and thrilling for him.

He’ll appreciate your willingness to put yourself out there and will be drawn to you even more.

20. Keep your cool and don’t let him get to you

Scorpios can be intense, and they love to get a reaction out of their partners.

If you can keep your cool and don’t let him get to you, he’ll start to see that you’re not someone who can be pushed around.

This will make him respect you more and want you even more.

21. Have patience and don’t give up easily

If you’re not getting the response you want, or if he’s backing off, don’t give up easily.

Scorpios can be a little elusive, so you may have to try a few different tactics before you find the ones that work best for you.

Keep in mind that Scorpios love a challenge, so don’t make it too easy for him.

But at the same time, don’t be too hard to get either.

If you want to play a Scorpio man at his own game start being a little mysterious and he’ll take notice.

22. Know when to hold back and when to let loose

A Scorpio man can be complex at times.

You’ll need to know when to hold back and when to let loose in order to keep him interested.

Pay attention to his body language and look for clues as to what he’s thinking and feeling.

Sometimes he’ll give you hints, and other times you’ll just have to guess.

23. Engage him mentally as well as physically

Keep things exciting by mixing things up.

Scorpios love a challenge, so you’ll need to keep things exciting if you want to hold his attention.

One way to do this is by mixing things up.

If you always do the same thing, he’ll get bored quickly.

But if you keep him guessing, he’ll be intrigued and want to spend more time with you.

24. Embrace his dark side

Scorpios can have a dark side, and it can be intriguing.

If you’re able to embrace this side of him, he’ll be drawn to you even more.

Be prepared for things to get a little bit naughty.

After all, Scorpios can be sensual and they love to experiment.

25. Give him space when he needs it

Scorpios need their space, and you need to respect that.

If he’s backing away or seems distant, give him some space.

He’ll come back to you when he’s ready.

26. Treat him with respect

Scorpios crave respect, and some of them deserve it.

Treat him with the same respect you would want to be treated with, and he’ll appreciate it.

Respect is one of the most important things in a relationship.

It’s also one of the ways you can get a Scorpio man to trust you.

This also helps you get closer to him, which could help you at playing the game with him.

27. Know your place in his life

Scorpios can be possessive, and they want to know where you fit into their lives.

Know your place and don’t try to take over his life.

He’ll appreciate you for it, and it will make it easier for you to get along with him.

28. Give him the attention he craves

Some Scorpios like attention, and they love when they’re the center of attention.

Make sure you give him the attention he craves, and he’ll be yours for eternity.

29. Never stop learning about him

Scorpios are complex, and you’ll never stop learning about them.

The more you learn, the better you’ll be able to understand them and play the game with them.

Talk to him, ask him questions, and observe him carefully.

The more you know, the better your chances of keeping up or staying ahead of him.


If you want to play a Scorpio man at his own game, you need to be prepared to do some work.

You’ll likely have a lot of questions in the process.

  • What is he thinking?
  • Am I steps ahead of him?
  • Does he know that I’m doing this?
  • Is he playing me instead?

Only you can know these answers for sure and it really depends on your motives.

Are you playing a Scorpio man at his game to understand him, hurt him, or start a relationship?

All of these will make it difficult to say for sure what your success or experiences would be.

Follow the tips above and see how they work for you.

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