30 Things that are turn-ons for Scorpios

Finding out how you can turn a Scorpio on may work well for you if you’re dating one and need an advantage.

The things that turn on Scorpios can be vast.

Scorpios are not the type to give you hints on the things that turns them on unless they trust you, or they feel safe in a committed relationship with you.

But there are similar things that turn on most Scorpios, so you’re sure to find something on this list that will be able to help your Scorpio feel turned on.

30 Things that turn on a Scorpio

1. Intellectual conversations

Intellectual conversations are one of the biggest turn-ons for Scorpios.

If you can hold a conversation with your Scorpio about topics that they are passionate about, they will be turned on and interested instantly.

Scorpios are attracted to people who can keep up with their intellectually stimulating conversations.

2. Your confidence

Your confidence is one of the biggest turn-ons for a Scorpio.

Scorpios are attracted to people who are comfortable in their own skin and don’t feel like they’re lacking anything in themselves.

If you can be confident around a Scorpio, they will find you attractive and will want to be around you more.

3. Flirting and teasing

Flirting and teasing are two ways to turn on a Scorpio.

Scorpios love when someone can flirt with them and create sensual tension.

And if you want to turn on a Scorpio you’ve got to know how to role play and do a bit of teasing, because this is a great way for him to see your sense of humor.

4. Your appearance and scent

Scorpios are usually more focused on chemistry over a person’s appearance but there are still some physical traits that will turn them on.

Maybe you have a great face and an amazing smile, those make a difference.

If you have a piercing or tattoo in a place that can’t be seen to pique their interest, this could probably be a turn-on for your Scorpio.

Even if you don’t have any of those it’s ok. In fact, they are not important anyway.

Your natural fragrance is also something that can draw them in and make them want to get closer to you.

How you carry yourself and love yourself are the things a Scorpio look at in a person.

5. Being very attentive to them

A Scorpio loves when someone is very attentive to them.

This shows that you are interested in what they have to say and you want to know more about them.

Scorpios are attracted to people who can make them feel like they are the only person in the room.

6. Not being nosy

Scorpios dislike it when people are nosy and try to dig into their personal lives without them wanting to share.

It makes Scorpios feel like they can’t trust the person and it might turn them off immediately.

Scorpios are attracted to people who respect their privacy and understand that some things are just not meant to be shared with others.

7. Mystery and intrigue

Mystery and intrigue are two things that turn on a Scorpio.

Scorpios like it when they can’t figure someone out right away and it makes them want to know more.

If you can be a little bit mysterious and create some intrigue around yourself, a Scorpio will find that attractive.

This doesn’t mean that you leave them completely clueless if you’re interested in them, because this might work against you.

8. The way you look at them

A Scorpio likes it when someone looks at them with intensity and desire. This shows that you are interested in them and want to get to know them better.

Scorpios are attracted to people who can make them feel wanted and desired.

Don’t be afraid to speak with your eyes because they can read a lot just by making eye contact with someone.

9. Allowing them to be themselves

If you want to turn on a Scorpio, allowing them to be their true self around you is one of the best places to start.

This shows that you’re comfortable with who they are and you don’t want to change them.

And they don’t open up to everyone but if you can make them feel comfortable with you, they’ll connect with you deeper than they do with others.

10. Not judging them

Showing a Scorpio that you’re not judgmental and you’re very accepting is a great way to turn them on.

This shows that you’re open-minded and if you can accept them for who they are, they will find you more attractive.

They like to be around people who don’t judge them for their opinions and are able to have more free and open conversations.

11. Someone who’s open-minded

Someone who’s open-minded is a huge turn-on for Scorpios because they are always up for trying new things and learning.

They want to be with someone who is just as curious about the world as they are.

12. Someone who’s dependable and reliable

Scorpios need to know that they can count on their partner when things get tough.

They want to be with someone who is supportive and understanding – someone they can lean on during the tough times.

And when they find people like this, it’s a big turn-on for them.

13. A partner who’s not afraid to be themselves

Being yourself is a turn-on for Scorpios because they want someone who is genuine and honest.

They don’t want someone who is putting up a façade – they want the real thing.

So, if you’re not afraid to be yourself around them, it’ll turn them on.

14. A partner who is assertive and knows what

A partner who is assertive and knows what they want is a turn-on for Scorpios.

They want someone who is confident and can take charge.

They don’t want someone who is going to let them walk all over them – they want someone who will stand up for themselves.

15. A partner who is spontaneous and unpredictable

Doing the same thing all the time can be a bit boring for Scorpios.

They like a little bit of spontaneity and unpredictability in their lives.

So, if you’re the type of person who likes to mix things up and keep things interesting, it’ll turn them on.

They don’t like it when they can predict exactly what a person is going to do in their relationship because that’s not interesting.

16. A partner who is passionate about something good

Passion is a turn-on for Scorpios because they are passionate people themselves.

They want to be with someone who is just as passionate about something as they are.

Whether it’s a cause, a hobby, or something else, if you’re passionate about it, they’ll find that attractive.

17. A partner who is emotionally deep and intense

Scorpios need to feel that you have good intentions for them. They want to feel like they can trust you with their feelings.

And when they find someone who is emotionally deep and intense, it’s a big turn-on for them.

They want to know that you’re not afraid to feel and that you can handle their intensity.

18. A partner who is loyal and trustworthy

A partner who is loyal and trustworthy is a huge turn-on for Scorpios. They want to know that they can count on their partner to be there for them.

They don’t want to worry about their partner cheating on them or lying to them.

And when they find someone who is loyal and trustworthy, it’s a big turn-on for them.

19. A partner who has a strong sense of family and friends

Family and close friends are important to Scorpios. They want to know that their partner has strong family values.

And they have the ability to be great friends.

They want to be with someone who is supportive and understanding – someone they can lean on during the tough times.

20. Someone ambitious and driven

A relationship is always changing and the people should always be growing too.

If you find someone who is ambitious and driven, it means they’re looking to improve their life and the relationship.

It’s a turn-on for Scorpios because they are always looking to improve themselves and their relationship.

21. A good listener

Every conversation needs a giver and a receiver.

This means that when one person is talking it’s best when the other person spends time to listen, and a Scorpio knows this.

It’s a turn-on for them when their partner is a good listener.

It shows that you care about what they’re saying and that you’re interested in hearing more.

But not only that, it shows respect and its a great way to communicate.

22. A great communicator

Scorpios are great communicators. They’re always looking to improve their communication skills.

And when they find someone who is a great communicator, it’s a turn-on for them.

Scorpios usually spend a lot of time listening in conversations, but they also like to contribute.

And when their partner is a great communicator, it’s like a breath of fresh air.

23. A partner who can be sensitive and compassionate

Being compassionate is a big turn-on for Scorpios. They want to know that their partner cares about them and their feelings.

They like someone who is able to put themselves in another person’s shoes and treat others how they would like to be treated.

24. A partner who loves adventure and new experiences

Life is about exploring, growth, and new experiences. And Scorpios know this.

That’s why they’re always looking for partners who are willing to try new things and who love adventure.

It’s a turn-on for them because it shows that you’re open-minded and willing to explore new things in life.

25. A partner who is not afraid of a challenge

Challenges teach us a lot about ourselves. They help us grow and learn.

And Scorpios are always growing. That’s why they’re attracted to partners who are not afraid of a challenge.

It’s a turn-on for them because it shows that you’re willing to grow and learn with them.

26. A partner who is creative and imaginative

Imagination and creativity can take you places.

One of the biggest turn off for a Scorpio is someone who is unmotivated and thinks that they don’t have anything to contribute.

If you can show your Scorpio partner that you have a vivid imagination, they will be turned on and drawn to you.

They sometimes find a person’s mind very sexy.

27. Someone that loves themself

You can’t love another person properly without knowing how to love yourself first.

Scorpios want someone who is comfortable with their body and knows how to take care of and love themselves.

28. Someone who thinks for themself

The ability to think for yourself is a major turn-on for Scorpios. They don’t want someone who is a sheep and just follows the crowd.

They want someone who trusts themself enough to follow their own intuition even when they’re not sure.

29. A partner who is supportive and encouraging

Sometimes our biggest fans can be the people closest to us.

That is the beauty of support and encouragement.

Scorpios need someone who is going to encourage them to be the best version of themselves and will help them grow.

They are turned on by someone who is very supportive and are able to see the best in them.

30. Someone who fights for their relationship

A good relationship takes work and it requires that people are willing to put in that work.

Scorpios are turned on by someone who is willing to put in the work and fight for their relationship.

They want someone who is going to be there for the long haul and is willing to work through the tough times.


The things that Scorpios are turned on by are generally below the surface.

For example, a handsome man or gorgeous woman can be a turn-off for Scorpios if they seem full of themselves.

While self-love is good, being too in love with yourself without regard for others is a turn-off.

That doesn’t mean that a person’s appearance is not important for a Scorpio. It’s just not their number one priority.

Your values are more important to a Scorpio. The chemistry that a Scorpio feels when they’re around you is more important than your looks.

If you want to turn on a Scorpio, the best thing that you can be is yourself.

It sounds cliche but it’s true for most of the time.

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