25 Reasons why a Scorpio man will regret losing you

It’s hard when you lose the person you care about the most, especially if it was your fault.

And for a Scorpio man, it can feel like there’s a hole in his heart that can never be fixed when you finally leave.

Especially if he had something to do with why you left.

There is so much that a Scorpio man can regret about losing you. But all of his regrets are tied to one thing and that is the type of relationship he had while he was with you.

If what he had with you was real and he knows it, he’ll probably regret losing a lot and it might take him a long time before he’s able to get over you.

25 Reasons why a Scorpio man regrets losing you

1. You treated him better than his current woman

He may not have realized it at the time, but he most likely appreciates all the effort you put into making things work and how you treated him like a man.

He’ll regret losing you because of this and not being able to see what a great woman you were until it was too late.

2. He hates being single

Maybe the Scorpio man is now realizing that being single is not all he thought it would be.

He may regret losing you because being in a relationship with you was so much better than being single.

Whether that’s because he now feels lonely or dating is taking a lot more effort than he anticipated.

3. He cannot find a connection like what he had with you

It’s hard to find someone who you can have a real connection with and the Scorpio man knows this.

He may regret losing you because he knows that he had something special with you and he’s not sure if he’ll ever find it again.

Maybe he has tried dating a few other people and realized that the chemistry is not as great as what he had with you.

And for a Scorpio man, chemistry is something that helps him become comfortable, open up and ultimately trust others.

So if there’s no chemistry there will never be trust for him, which also means he won’t gain much from the relationship.

4. You found someone better than him

It may sound harsh, but it’s the truth.

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he knows that he was replaced by someone who is better than him in many ways.

It could be that the new guy is wealthier, more attractive or just a better match for you in general.

Whatever the reason, the Scorpio man knows that he lost you to someone who is better than him and it hurts his ego.

It doesn’t mean that he prefers that you’re unhappy. He just wants you to be happy with him, not someone else.

5. He still has feelings for you

It’s hard to let go of someone you care about, especially if your feelings are still strong.

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he is still madly in love with you and can’t imagine his life without you.

He may try to hide it, but the hurt is probably still there, just below the surface.

Maybe he thinks he messed up and now realizes what he had but feels that it’s too late and things will never get back to how they were.

6. You no longer contact him

It’s easy to take someone for granted when they’re always there, but when they’re gone you realize how important they were.

Maybe he’ll regret losing you when he suddenly realized how much he misses you and you’re no longer contacting him.

He may start to wonder what you’re doing and who you’re with, which can be torture for a Scorpio man.

He may try to reach out to you but if you don’t respond, he’ll know that you’ve moved on and there’s no going back.

7. You understood him better than others

A Scorpio man can be a complex individual and not everyone takes the time to try to understand him.

But you did and he appreciated that after you left.

He’ll regret losing you because he knows that there was a special understanding between the two of you that he’s probably not going to find with anyone else.

You just got him in a way that nobody else does or ever will.

8. You were his best friend

When you’re in a relationship, it’s important to be able to rely on your partner as a friend.

For the Scorpio man, this is especially true.

He’ll regret losing you because you were not only his girlfriend but also his best friend.

He could tell you anything and you would just listen, not judge or try to fix him.

You were someone he could just be himself around and he misses that now that you’re gone.

9. You moved on before he did

When a relationship ends, it’s usually because one person has already moved on before the other.

This can be hard to take for the person who is still holding on, especially if they were hoping to get back together.

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he wasn’t ready to let go but you were.

He may have thought there was still a chance for you two but when he saw that you had moved on, he realized that it was really over.

10. You are doing better without him

It can be hard to see someone you care about doing well without you, especially if you’re not doing so great yourself.

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he can see that you’re doing better without him and it hurts his ego.

He may try to act like he doesn’t care but deep down he probably wants you to need him and would rather it if you were doing great with him.

It’s just his ego talking though.

11. He has no one to talk to like he did with you

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he doesn’t have anyone to talk to like he did with you.

You were someone who he could open up and share anything with.

But now that you’re gone, he feels like he’s lost that connection.

12. You were always there for him

No matter what he needed, you were always there for him.

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he knows that he can’t always count on others to be there like you were.

You were someone he could always rely on and now that you’re gone, he feels a little lost.

13. You made him feel special

Everyone wants to feel special and even those who know they are want to be treated and told that they’re special.

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he knows that you made him feel special in a way that he may never experience again.

You always went out of your way to make sure he knew how much he meant to you and how special he was.

14. He misses your conversations

Not only did you understand him, but you also had some of the best conversations.

Meaningful conversations are very important and engaging for a Scorpio man.

He may regret losing you because he misses being able to talk to you about anything and everything.

Maybe you both could talk for hours and he never got bored. He misses being able to share his thoughts and feelings with you.

15. You were always honest with him

You never sugarcoated anything or lied to him, you were always honest.

Even if it wasn’t what he wanted to hear, he appreciated your honesty.

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he knows that he can’t always count on others to be honest with him like you were.

He may have even appreciated it when you called him out on his BS.

16. You shared everything with him

You didn’t have any secrets from him and he appreciated that.

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he knows that not everyone is as open and willing to share everything with him.

He liked that he could trust you with anything and that you weren’t afraid to share your thoughts and feelings with him.

17. He can’t find someone who loves him like you did

A Scorpio man may regret losing you because he knows that it’s hard to find someone who loves him as much as you did.

He may have taken your love for granted but now that you’re gone, he realizes how much he misses being loved by you.

He may even feel like he’ll never find someone who loves him as much as you did.

18. He’s realized he was an idiot for letting you go

A Scorpio man may have thought that he could do better or that you weren’t good enough for him but now he sees that he was wrong.

He may feel like he made a huge mistake and that he’ll never be able to fix it.

Now he regrets losing you and wishes he could have you back.

But it’s too late, you’ve moved on and he’s left feeling like a fool.

19. He regrets not fighting for you

A Scorpio man loves to be right and may have not fought for you because he didn’t want to look weak.

But now not being in a relationship he regrets that he didn’t do more to fix things.

He may have even thought about it but ultimately decided that it wasn’t worth it, because of his ego.

Now he realizes that he made a mistake and that he should have fought for you because he knows that you were worth fighting for.

20. You made him a better person

Maybe you helped him to see things from a different perspective and to be a better person.

You challenged him and helped him to grow in ways he never would have without you.

Now that you’re gone, he regrets losing you and feels like he’s lost his way a little bit.

21. He was never able to replace you

He may have dated or tried to date other people after you but he was never able to replace you.

No one could ever match up to you and he may have realized that too late.

He regrets not being with you and wonders what could have been if he had just tried a little harder.

22. Your absence has made him realize what he had

You may have been gone for a while but your absence has made him realize what he had.

He may have thought that he didn’t need you or that he was better off without you but now he knows that’s not true.

He regrets losing you and wishes he could have you back in his life.

23. You were his rock

In a relationship, it’s important to have someone who you can rely on and who will be there for you.

You loved him for who he was and didn’t try to change him.

You accepted his flaws and all, and he appreciated that about you.

He now realizes that you were that person for him and he appreciated that about you.

Now that you’re gone, he may realize that he took your support for granted and may regret losing you.

24. You were his first love

For some people, their first love is the one that they always remember and compare everyone else to.

If you were his first love, then he may regret losing you because he knows that he’ll never forget you.

He may have moved on but there will always be a part of him that wonders what could have been if he had just held on a little longer.

25. He’s slowly realized he has made a huge mistake losing you

It may have taken him a while but he’s slowly realized that losing you was a huge mistake.

He thought that he could do more or be better without you but now he knows that’s not true.

He regrets not being with you and feels like he’s lost someone valuable.

What will make a Scorpio man not regret leaving you?

When he commits to someone, in many cases he does so with his entire heart.

So, If you’re wondering what will make a Scorpio man not regret leaving you, the answer is simple: it’s anything that threatens his loyalty.

Infidelity, dishonesty, and betrayal are all major no-nos in a relationship with a Scorpio man.

He most often has a low tolerance for drama and will quickly tire of any relationship that is constantly filled with conflict.

If you want to keep a Scorpio man happy, be honest with him and remain loyal to him.

As long as you do those things, he’ll stick by your side through many things.


A Scorpio man can become blinded by his ego, need to be right, and his tendency of wanting to have control in every situation.

This can often lead to him losing people in relationships because of not putting in enough effort to save the relationship.

This is because it’s hard for him to take a step back sometimes and focus on what’s truly important in situations.

If you were in a relationship with a Scorpio man and you know you did great by him but he still broke up with you, he probably regrets it now.

He may try to get you back or he may fade away slowly, hoping you’ll come back to him.

But if you’ve moved on, he’ll regret losing you and all the good things you brought into his life.

He may not show it but deep down, he knows he made a mistake and he might not be able to really get over you.

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