22 Things a Scorpio man wants to hear from you

Knowing what a Scorpio man wants to hear can be a challenge, as they are often guarded with their emotions and find it hard to open up to others.

But not to worry, I have a list of things to give you some ideas.

The point of providing these is not for you to manipulate a Scorpio man because telling him these things will work better if you’re sincere about saying them.

So only tell him what you think he wants to hear, where it really helps your relationship but be honest about it.

With that said, let’s dive in.

22 Things a Scorpio man wants to hear

1. I’m always here for you

When a Scorpio man hears that you’re always there for him, it gives him a sense of security that he can always count on you no matter what.

It also makes him feel appreciated and loved, knowing that you’ll be there for him through thick and thin.

He’s not the kind of man to easily trust others so if he finds a valuable relationship with you he’ll cherish it.

2. I believe in you

When a Scorpio man hears that you believe in him, it gives him the confidence to take on anything.

He knows that you support him and his decisions, which means a lot to him.

It also makes him feel good to know that you have faith in him and his abilities.

3. I want you

Men like to feel desired and there is no exception for a Scorpio man.

Hearing that you want and desire him is a big turn-on and makes him feel good about himself.

It also shows him that you find him attractive and are interested in him.

If you’re attracted to him mentally and physically and want to rip his close off, tease him and let him know.

Tell him that you want him but you don’t think he can handle what you’ve got for him.

Use your imagination here.

4. I appreciate you

If anyone has told you that they appreciated something you’ve done for them you know how powerful these words can be.

When a Scorpio man hears that you appreciate him it fills him with happiness.

It also makes him feel good to know that his efforts are not going unnoticed.

So whether he cooked you dinner, did something special for you, or was just there for you when you needed him, make sure to let him know that you appreciate it.

He’ll be encouraged to do more for you.

5. I will never hurt you

The fear of being hurt is one of the biggest things that holds a Scorpio man back from fully opening up to someone.

So when he hears that you would never hurt him it gives him a sense of safety and security.

It also shows him that you’re trustworthy and he can rely on you.

Hearing these words will help a Scorpio man feel more comfortable with you and help him to open up to you more.

This will only work if he also sees it in your action. That means you’ll have to show him you love and care for him through your actions.

6. I trust you

A Scorpio man will only trust someone if they have proved themselves to be loyal and trustworthy.

So telling him that you trust him is a big deal.

It shows him that you have faith in him and that he can count on you.

This will only work if you actually do trust him. He’ll be able to see through you if you’re just saying it to try and gain his trust.

Everything needs to be sincere.

7. I will never judge you

The thing with judging someone is that it destroys your relationship with them.

It creates a me vs. you mentality and Scorpio men do not like that. They want to feel like they can be themselves around you without being judged.

They want to have conversations freely without anyone jumping to conclusions.

So when he hears that you will never judge him it makes him feel good and relaxed around you.

It also shows him that you’re open-minded and accepting of him.

8. Thank you for being in my life

This shows him that you’re grateful for him being in your life and that you cherish your relationship.

It also makes him feel loved and appreciated.

Scorpio men want to feel like they’re making a difference in your life and that you’re better off with them than without them.

So hearing this from you can really strengthen your relationship with him.

9. Thank you for being patient and understanding with me

In a relationship, there is so much to learn about the persons involved.

With differences, there can be many arguments and misunderstandings.

A Scorpio man can be patient and understanding, but sometimes he needs to be reminded of this.

Hearing you say thank you for being patient and understanding with him can go a long way.

It shows that you’re willing to work through the tough times and that you understand him but also appreciate him for making an effort to understand you.

10. I respect you

I respect you for being such a passionate person. You have a lot of drive and determination, and I admire that about you.

I also respect you for being honest and upfront with me. I know that it’s not always easy for you to open up, but I appreciate that you do.

It shows that you trust me and that you feel comfortable with me. I will always respect you for being such an amazing person.

Hearing this from you can be a great thing for your relationship with a Scorpio man.

11. I will never try to change you

A Scorpio man wants to be accepted for who he is. He doesn’t want anyone trying to change him into something he’s not.

So when he hears that you will never try to change him, it shows him that you accept him for who he is.

It also shows him that you’re not trying to control him or manipulate him in any way.

This can be a great way to build trust and respect in your relationship with a Scorpio man.

12. You can always talk to me about anything

A Scorpio man wants to feel like he can trust you and open up to you.

So telling him that you’re always available to talk to him about anything is a great way to build trust and intimacy in your relationship.

It shows him that you’re understanding and supportive, and that you’re there for him no matter what.

This can be a great way to deepen your connection with him.

13. I’m not perfect, but I’m trying

Nobody is perfect, not even the Scorpio man.

Perfection is not important but making an effort is.

When he hears you say that you’re not perfect but that you’re trying, it shows him that you’re willing to work on yourself.

It also shows him that you’re open to feedback and that you value his opinion, but you also believe in yourself.

This can be a great way to show him that you’re committed to the relationship and that you’re willing to grow and change together.

14. I will never lie to you

Lies can damage your relationship with a Scorpio man, no doubt about that.

When he hears you say that you will never lie to him, it shows him that you’re committed to being honest with him.

It also shows him that you respect him enough to tell him the truth, even when it’s not easy.

This can be a great way to build trust and respect in your relationship with a Scorpio man.

When it comes to a Scorpio man, your lies might be more hurtful than your truths.

15. Thank you for being honest with me

Honesty is a big deal in a relationship because a healthy relationship has it and it builds trust.

When you say thank you for being honest with me, it shows your appreciation for his honesty.

It also shows that you trust him and that you feel comfortable with him.

This can be a great way to deepen the connection between both of you.

16. Thank you for being a great partner

There is nothing more fulfilling in a relationship than hearing your partner say thank you for being a great partner.

And it’s no different with a Scorpio man.

It shows him that you appreciate him and that you see the effort that he is making.

It also shows that you’re proud to be with him and that you believe in him.

This can be a great way to boost his confidence and make him feel good about himself.

17. I think about you a lot when you’re not around

It’s always a great feeling to know that you’re on your partner’s mind, even when you’re not around.

When a Scorpio man hears that you think about him a lot when he’s not around, it shows him that he’s always on your mind.

It also shows him that you miss him and that you can’t wait to see him again.

This can be a great way to make him feel loved and appreciated.

18. I’m very attracted to you

A Scorpio man wants to feel desired by his partner.

So when he hears that you’re very attracted to him, it shows him that he’s doing something right and that he’s desired.

It also shows him that you find him physically attractive, which can be a great way to boost his confidence.

17. I love you and cherish you

When he hears that you love him and cherish him, it shows him that he’s important to you and that you care about him.

It also shows him that you want to make things work for both of you.

This can be a great way to deepen your connection with him.

20. You’re very smart

When you tell him that he’s very smart, it shows him that you respect his intelligence.

It also shows him that you find him intellectually stimulating, which is a big deal for him, but also a great way to get closer to him.

21. I’m lucky to have you in my life

A Scorpio man wants to feel appreciated and admired by the woman he loves.

Hearing that she is grateful for him being in her life and that she loves him will fill his heart with happiness.

Knowing that he is loved and wanted by her is a Scorpio man’s greatest desire.

22. I always look forward to having conversations with you

If you want to deepen your relationship with a Scorpio man having conversations with him is the best way to do it.

He wants to be able to share his thoughts and feelings with you without judgment.

Listening to him and engaging in thoughtful conversations will let him know that you care about him and want to understand him better.

And hearing that you enjoy his conversations will make him feel more comfortable opening up to you.


If you’re wondering what a Scorpio man wants to hear, the answer is “the truth.”

Scorpio men don’t tolerate games or mind games, and they’ll quickly see through any attempts to manipulate or deceive them.

The point of telling a Scorpio man what he wants to hear is not to deceive him, it’s to understand how he thinks so that you can build a better relationship with him.

Just telling him what he wants to hear won’t work long term without really caring for him and being sincere.

If you’re in a relationship with a Scorpio man, it’s important to be upfront about your feelings and intentions.

Tell him what you’re thinking and feeling, even if it’s something that you know he won’t want to hear.

He’ll respect your honesty, and he’ll be more likely to trust and confide in you as well.

Being truthful is the best way to build a strong connection with a Scorpio man.

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