25 Ways to Make a Scorpio Woman Miss You

Any woman can be won over by a man who knows how to play his cards right, and this is also true for a Scorpio woman.

If you want to make a Scorpio woman miss you, it’s important to understand her personality.

She’s the type of girl that wants you but doesn’t need you and she’s not afraid to stop talking to you if she feels disrespected in any way.

She’s the type of woman who will remain true to herself in all circumstances and you’ll quickly understand this when you meet her and start talking.

Making her miss you is all about understanding her and making sure you give her what she needs when she needs it.

25 Ways You Can Make a Scorpio Woman Miss You

1. Keep her guessing

Keeping a Scorpio woman guessing is not about misleading her it’s about making her curious about you and what you’re up to.

A Scorpio woman is intrigued by a good mystery and she’ll be drawn to you if she feels like she can’t quite figure you out.

Be a little bit elusive and make sure you keep her guessing about what you’re thinking and feeling.

This doesn’t mean that you should confuse her or play games with her, but it does mean that you should keep her on her toes a bit.

You do this by telling her things about you but not all the details at once and by being mysterious in your actions.

2. Keep your conversations stimulating and interesting

Nobody likes boring and tasteless conversations and neither does a Scorpio woman, she wants substance.

She’s not interested in small talk or too many weather conversations, she wants to be able to have deep and meaningful conversations with you.

Make sure you keep your conversations stimulating and interesting by talking about topics that are important to you and her.

Also, be a good listener and show her that you’re interested in hearing what she has to say.

3. Give her plenty of space and independence

You can’t be suffocating to a Scorpio woman and expect her to miss you, she needs her space.

It’s important to give her plenty of space and independence, she needs to feel like she can breathe.

If you try to control her or be too clingy, she’ll only pull away from you and she won’t miss you at all.

It’s important to give her the freedom to do what she wants and to be who she is, without you trying to change her.

4. Don’t Try to control her

Trying to control a Scorpio woman is one of the easiest ways to end a relationship with her or turn her off completely.

She’s not the type of woman who wants to be controlled or told what to do, she likes to make her own decisions.

If you try to control her, she might rebel against you and lose interest in you.

It’s important to let her make her own decisions and to trust that she knows what’s best for herself.

Instead of trying to control her show her that you appreciate her unique qualities in the relationship.

5. Show her that she’s special to you

We all have a need to want to feel special to others and a Scorpio woman feels no different.

She wants to feel like she’s the only one that you’re interested in and she wants to feel special to you.

One of the best ways to make her miss you is to show her that she’s special to you.

Be attentive and affectionate with her and let her know how you appreciate her.

6. Be attentive and give her your undivided attention when you’re together

Giving her undivided will show her that you’re interested in her and she’s a priority to you.

It will also make her feel special and appreciated.

Being attentive doesn’t mean that you have to be with her all the time, it just means that when you are with her you’re present and you’re focused on her.

Make sure you put away your phone, turn off the TV, and give her your full attention.

It’s ok to use these devices if you’re both sharing something together on those devices of course.

7. Do something nice for her unexpectedly from time to time

This will show her that you’re thinking about her and that you care about her.

It doesn’t have to be anything big, just something thoughtful and sweet.

You could bring her flowers, write her a card, or cook her dinner if you think she would appreciate those gestures.

It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it’s from the heart and it’s something that you think she’ll appreciate.

8. Talk to her less over the phone

You could try limiting the amount of time you spend with her talking on the phone so that she’ll look forward to meeting with you in person.

If you’re always talking to her on the phone, she might not miss you as much because she feels like she’s already getting enough of you.

But if you’re not talking to her as much, she might start to miss hearing your voice and she might start to look forward to your calls more.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to be supportive and there for her though if she needs you to be.

You should use this but with good judgment and only if it’s something that you think will work for your relationship.

9. Focus on pursuing your interest

You shouldn’t stop your life when you start talking to her. You should still be hanging out with your friends, going out, and pursuing your hobbies.

It’s important to have a life outside of the relationship so that you don’t get too wrapped up in it.

You should also pursue your own interests so that you have something to talk to her about and so that she knows that you’re not just sitting around waiting for her.

Pursuing your own interests will also make you more attractive to her because you’ll be more confident and interesting.

10. Let him know you’re thinking about her

Would you feel good if she told you she was thinking about you?

Chances are, she would feel the same way.

Let her know that you’re thinking about her by sending her a text, telling her in person, or even writing her a note.

It doesn’t have to be anything big, just something to let her know that she’s on your mind.

11. Be the last person she thinks about at night

Say something nice or do something nice for her before you go to bed so that she’ll think of you before she goes to sleep.

It could be something as simple as telling her how much you appreciate her or something more intimate like kissing her goodnight.

Whatever you do, just make sure it’s something that will make her think of you before she goes to bed.

Don’t overthink or overdo it though, just do something that you think will make her feel special and she’ll appreciate.

12. Ask her about her life and interest

Let her know that you’re interested in her life and let her open up to you without judging her.

This will make her feel more comfortable talking to you about things she’s interested in and she’ll start to see you as someone she can confide in.

Make sure you’re actually interested in what she has to say and don’t just pretend to be.

She’ll be able to tell if you’re not really listening and she’ll appreciate it more if you’re actually interested in what she has to say.

13. Be yourself and be real with her

You cannot show up as any other version of your real self if you want a Scorpio woman to miss you.

Don’t make the mistake of faking who you truly are and putting up a facade just to impress her.

She might see through it eventually and she’ll be turned off by it.

It’s better to just be yourself from the beginning and let her get to know the real you.

If she likes you, she’ll like you for who you are.

And if she doesn’t, it’s better to find out sooner rather than later.

14. Don’t play games with her

This is one of the surest ways to get her to avoid you.

Scorpio women can see right through games and they’ll be turned off by it when they do it.

If you’re interested in her, just be honest about it and don’t try to play mind games with her to get her to miss you.

It’ll only backfire and she’ll be less likely to want to talk to you when she finds out.

15. Give her honest compliments

Giving her compliments is a great way to show her that you’re interested in her and that you think she’s special.

This is something that can actually get her to miss you.

Just make sure that your compliments are honest and not just empty flattery.

She’ll be able to tell if you’re just saying things to make her feel good and she’ll appreciate it more if you’re sincere.

16. Don’t be clingy with her

I mentioned earlier about giving her space and not making the mistake of suffocating her.

This is a very important tip if you want to make sure a Scorpio woman doesn’t avoid you.

Sometimes she might need space to just be by herself and she doesn’t want to feel like she’s chained when she’s in a relationship.

Don’t be clingy or needy with her and give her the space she needs.

She’ll come to you when she’s ready and if you’re patient, she’ll start to miss you when she’s not around you as much.

17. Respect her boundaries

If a Scorpio woman tells you that she doesn’t like something and doesn’t want you to do XYZ, believe her and don’t do it.

She’s usually direct and serious about her likes and dislikes and she doesn’t usually compromise on them either.

Respecting her boundaries is a very important part of making sure she doesn’t avoid you.

She’ll start to see you as someone who cares about her and respects her wishes and might start to miss you when you’re not around.

18. Show confidence and be honest with her

Being confident with her and showing confidence is great but with honesty, it’s even better.

Scorpio women usually like confident men but they’ll appreciate it more if you’re honest with her as well.

If you’re not being honest with her, she’ll eventually find out and it’ll make her lose trust in you.

But if you’re honest with her from the beginning, she’ll start to see you as someone she can trust and might even start to miss you when you’re not around.

19. Be independent in the relationship

Being independent means that you’re not clingy and needy with her but that you’re also able to stand on your own two feet.

Scorpio women usually like men who are independent and don’t need her to take care of them.

If you’re able to show her that you’re independent, she’ll start to see you as someone who’s strong and capable.

And she might start to miss you when she’s not around you as much because she’ll see that you can take care of yourself.

And it also shows her that you don’t need anyone to complete you but you bring your unique and interesting self into the relationship.

20. Tell her about yourself little by little

This means being a bit mysterious about yourself and not revealing everything about yourself at once.

Scorpio women are interested in mystery and they like to solve puzzles.

If you’re able to keep a bit of mystery about yourself, she might become intrigued and more interested in you and want to know more about you.

This might cause her to miss you when you’re not around as much because she’ll be thinking about you and wondering what you’re up to.

21. Take her on romantic and thoughtful dates

When it comes to dates with a Scorpio woman it’s all about the gesture and thoughtfulness of the act.

It doesn’t have to be anything grand or expensive but it should be something that she’ll remember and appreciate.

Something like a picnic in the park or a candlelit dinner at home can be much more romantic and thoughtful than an expensive dinner at a restaurant.

But of course, you can do a candlelit dinner at a restaurant too if you like.

22. Let her freely express herself

Would you miss someone you can talk to and express yourself freely, without judgment?

I think the answer is obvious.

Scorpio women like men who are open-minded and non-judgmental.

If you’re able to be that for her, she’ll start to feel more comfortable with you and might even start to miss you when she’s not around you.

She’ll see you as a safe place where she can be herself and express her thoughts and feelings without being or feeling judged.

I know this doesn’t mean you want to be friend-zoned but at least make the interaction pleasant and easy for her when she talks to you.

23. Show her that she can trust you

Being able to trust and depend on you is a big deal for a Scorpio woman and she will never miss someone she doesn’t trust.

If she feels like she can’t trust you, she’ll start to distance herself from you and might even avoid you altogether.

But if she feels like she can trust you, she’ll start to feel more comfortable around you.

24. Show her that you have her back

Showing a Scorpio woman that you’ve got her back no matter the situation is a great way to get her to become intrigued by you and even start to miss you.

A Scorpio woman usually likes men who are loyal and supportive.

So if you’re able to show her that, she’ll start to see you as someone who’s worth her time and might even start to miss you.

25. Making her laugh

Nobody wants to be around people who are negative, uptight, and makes them sad all the time.

A Scorpio woman usually likes men who can make her laugh and enjoy life.

So if you’re able to do that, she’ll start to see you as someone who’s fun and enjoyable to be around.

which could actually cause her to miss you.

How do you know if a Scorpio woman misses you?

When a Scorpio woman misses you she might become very purposeful in her communication with you.

Whether texting, calling or emailing, she will make sure to stay in touch.

She might go out of her way to spend time with you. She may suggest meeting up for coffee or offer to help you with a project.

She might also become very open with her emotions. If a Scorpio woman is missing you, she might not even try to hide it.

Instead, she might express her feelings to you openly and honestly, if she feels comfortable with you and feels she can trust you.

How do you know a Scorpio woman is losing interest?

There are a few telltale signs that a Scorpio woman is losing interest.

  • She may start to distance herself emotionally and physically.
  • She may also become more critical and negative in her interactions with you.
  • She may become less responsive to your attempts at communication.

If you notice any of these changes, it’s likely that the Scorpio woman in your life is beginning to lose interest.

The best way to deal with this situation is to talk to her directly.

Try to find out what’s causing her to lose interest and see if there’s anything you can do to change the situation.

By being open and honest, you can maintain a strong connection with the Scorpio woman in your life, even when her interest begins to wane.

How do you keep a Scorpio woman interested?

If you want to keep a Scorpio woman interested, you need to be able to ignite her passion and keep her on her toes.

This means being confident and assertive, as well as being willing to take risks.

You also need to be able to handle her mood swings and be comfortable with silences, as Scorpio women often need time alone to process their thoughts.

Learn to respect her independence and allow her the space she needs to roam, she might reward you with her passionate love and devotion.

Most importantly, you need to be genuine in your affections; a Scorpio woman can see through insincerity, and she will quickly lose interest if she feels like she’s being manipulated by you.

If you can stay confident, intriguing, honest, and use the 25 tips above to make her chase and miss you, you’ll have no trouble keeping a Scorpio woman interested.


Sometimes making a Scorpio woman miss you is all about making her laugh and feeling comfortable in your presence.

Dates should be light-hearted and fun, with plenty of humor but don’t force trying to be funny.

Laughter is the best medicine, after all, and it will make her feel good about being with you.

In addition, laughter releases endorphins, which will make her feel even more connected to you.

Scorpio women are also very passionate, so make sure to show your sincerity and depth of feeling.

Be tender and loving when the mood strikes, and she will be sure to reciprocate.

Most importantly, though, just be yourself and don’t fake it trying to be something you’re not.

The best way to get a Scorpio woman to miss you is by starting out genuine with her from the beginning.

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