25 Signs a Scorpio man is falling in love with you

If you’re wondering if a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, there are some telltale signs.

Scorpios tend to be very private people, so even if they’re serious about being with you they may not express their feelings as openly as other signs.

However, there are a few things to watch out for if you want to know if a Scorpio man is head over heels for you.

Here are some hints that a Scorpio man is in love with you.

25 Signs a Scorpio man might be falling in love with you

1. He’s protective of you

If a Scorpio man is always looking out for you and wanting to make sure you’re safe, it’s a good sign that he’s falling for you.

He’s probably also very possessive and jealous, but that’s just his way of showing how much he cares about you.

2. He looks at you intensely with his eyes

One of the most obvious signs that a Scorpio man is in love with you is the way he looks at you.

He has a very intense gaze and it feels like he’s looking deep into your soul.

It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you’ll get used to it.

It’s like he talks with his eyes. Sometimes he probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it.

3. He introduces you to his friends and family

If a Scorpio man is introducing you to the people who are important to him, it’s a good sign that he’s serious about you.

He’s probably also very proud of you and wants to show you off.

Scorpios can be quite possessive, so if he’s introducing you to his inner circle, it means he trusts you and wants you to be a part of his life.

4. He wants to know everything about you

Scorpios are very curious people and they want to know everything about the people they’re interested in.

So if a Scorpio man is asking you a lot of questions, it’s probably because he’s falling for you and he wants to know everything about you.

He’s also probably trying to figure out if you’re compatible.

Scorpios are very picky when it comes to love, so he’s probably doing his best to make sure you’re the right person for him.

5. He loves hanging out with you alone

Scorpios can be very social, but they also enjoy spending time alone with the people they love.

So if a Scorpio man is always trying to spend time with you, it’s a good sign that he’s falling for you.

He probably loves your company and enjoys being around you.

Scorpios are also very passionate people, so he may even try to make love to you when you’re alone together.

If he gets the hint that you’re into him too.

6. He tells other people about you

Scorpios are very private people, so if he’s talking about you to other people, it means he’s really into you.

He’s probably also very proud of you and he wants to make sure everyone knows it.

7. He loves your quirks

If a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll probably love all of your quirks and imperfections.

In fact, he may even find them to be endearing.

He’ll appreciate your unique sense of humor and the way you view the world.

You may not even realize how special you are to him until he tells you.

Because he cares about you more than what you look like on the outside.

No matter how weird you think you are, he loves it. He loves that you make him laugh, even if nobody else gets your humor.

He loves how you’re always yourself, even if it means being a little weird sometimes.

And he loves that he can be himself around you, too.

8. His future plans include you

If a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll start making plans for the future that includes you.

He’ll want to know what you want out of life and he’ll start making plans accordingly.

For example, he may start looking for a house that’s big enough for both of you or he may start saving up for a future trip together.

He’ll want to make sure that you’re always a part of his future plans.

9. He’s doesn’t only care about being physical with you

When a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll want to be more than just physical with you.

He’ll want to connect with you on a deeper level.

He’ll want to have deep conversations with you about life, love, and everything in between.

He’ll want to know your thoughts and feelings on a variety of topics.

And he’ll want to share his own thoughts and feelings with you, too.

10. He’s open with you

A Scorpio man loves to be around people he can be himself with and if he’s falling in love with you, he’ll definitely want to be open with you.

He might even share his deepest thoughts and feelings with you without hesitation.

11. He’s vulnerable with you

When a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll also be vulnerable with you.

He’ll let his guard down and he’ll show you his softer side.

He may even share his fears and insecurities with you.

And he’ll definitely trust you with his heart.

12. When he speaks he says ‘we’ a lot

If a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll start to refer to himself as ‘we’ instead of ‘I’.

For example, he may say ‘we should go on a vacation together’ or ‘we need to get a bigger place’.

This is his way of showing you that he sees you as a part of his future.

And that he wants to share everything with you, including his life.

13. He loves spending time with you

If a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll make time for you no matter what.

He’ll want to spend as much time with you as possible.

He’ll want to go on dates with you, take trips with you, and just spend time in your company.

He’ll make you a priority in his life and he’ll want to make sure that you know it.

14. He loves going on dates with you

If a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll make sure to take you on some amazing dates.

He’ll want to make sure that you have a good time and he’ll go out of his way to make it happen.

He may even plan some surprises for you just to make you smile.

And because he can be thoughtful and romantic he might even write you love letters or poems.

Or make reservations for dates in places you might both enjoy.

15. He prioritizes his relationship with you

When a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he will show you that you are always his top priority.

He will make time for you no matter what he is doing or how busy he is.

He will always make sure that you feel loved, wanted, and appreciated.

He’ll try to understand some of the things that mean the most to you.

16. Your happiness is important to him

A Scorpio man that is falling in love with you cares about your happiness.

He wants to make sure that you are happy and he will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

If you are unhappy, he will make it his mission to make you happy again.

Because he wants you to know that you’re special and mean a lot to him.

17. He’s always there for you when you need him

When a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he wants you to know that you can depend on him.

He will always be there for you when you need him, whether you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to make you laugh.

He’ll let you know that you can always count on him.

18. He’s supportive of your dreams and aspirations

A Scorpio man that is falling in love with you will be supportive of your dreams and aspirations.

He wants to see you succeed and will do whatever he can to help you achieve your goals.

He’ll be your biggest cheerleader and will always be there to encourage you.

19. He encourages you to be the best version of yourself

A Scorpio man that is falling in love with you will encourage you to be the best version of yourself.

He wants you to reach your full potential and will push you to be the best that you can be.

He’ll believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself.

He’ll tell you that you can achieve something, even if you don’t believe you can.

20. He makes an effort to connect with you on a deeper level

A Scorpio man that is falling in love with you will make an effort to connect with you on a deeper level.

He wants to know your hopes, dreams, and fears.

He wants to know what makes you tick and what makes you happy.

He’ll want to have deep conversations with you about life, love, and many more interesting things.

21. You can be yourself around him

When a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll allow and want you to be yourself around him.

He doesn’t want you to put on a show or pretend to be someone you’re not.

He wants you to be genuine and authentic.

He loves seeing the real you, and he’ll make you feel comfortable enough to be yourself around him.

22. He makes you feel comfortable and safe

If a Scorpio man is falling in love with you, he’ll make sure that you feel comfortable and safe around him.

He wants you to feel like you can trust him and that he’s a safe place for you.

You’ll never have to worry about being judged by him or feeling like you have to put on a front.

23. He’s honest with you

A Scorpio man that is falling in love with you will always be honest with you.

He knows that honesty is important in a relationship and he wants you to know that you can trust him.

He doesn’t lie to you or try to hide things from you.

He’ll let you know that he’s an open book and he’s not afraid to share his thoughts and feelings with you.

24. He’s loyal to you

When a Scorpio man is falling in love with you he’ll show you that he’s loyal and committed to you.

He’ll let you know that he’s in the relationship for the long haul and that he’s not going anywhere.

He’ll show you and let you know that he’s willing to work through the ups and downs of your relationship.

25. He trusts you

A Scorpio man will never fall for you unless he has trust in you.

If he’s falling in love with you, it means that he trusts you and he knows that he can count on you.

He knows that you’re someone he can rely on and he never has to doubt your loyalty to him.

How do you make a Scorpio man fall in love with you?

First of all, I will just say that you don’t make people fall in love with you.

There is nothing that you have to do to make someone fall in love with you other than being yourself.

I just wanted to put that out there before I answered this question.

If you want to make a Scorpio man fall in love with you, the best approach is to appeal to his sense of mystery and adventure.

Scorpio men are attracted to confident women who are comfortable in their own skin.

Know who you are and work it without regret.

If you can be yourself around him and show him that you’re not afraid to take risks, he’ll be drawn to you.

It’s also important to keep things exciting in the relationship.

Some Scorpio men thrive on change and love challenges, so try to mix things up as often as possible.

If you can keep him guessing and keep the spark alive, he might become head over heels for you.


Understanding when and if a Scorpio man is falling in love with you and keeping him hooked is a process that takes time, energy, and some observation.

Looking for some of these signs that he’s falling for you can give you a better idea of where his heart is at and if he wants more in your relationship.

A Scorpio man might not be the easiest person to understand, because sometimes he doesn’t always express his feelings, but if you know what to look for, it can make decoding him a little easier.

Of course, every Scorpio man is different and will show his love in different ways, but these are some general things to look for.

A Scorpio man can be secretly in love with you and may never say anything.

One of the biggest reasons why a Scorpio man who is falling in love with you, might not tell you is because he doesn’t like rejection and is probably afraid of getting hurt.

If you can give him some subtle hints that you’re interested as well, or let him know that you care for him and will never hurt him, he might open up about his feelings for you.

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