15 Ways a Scorpio Man Pursues a Woman

If you are a woman who is pursued by a Scorpio man, it can be an interesting experience.

A Scorpio man will pursue a woman in a very calculated way.

He will observe her closely and figure out what makes her tick. Once he has figured her out, he will start to make moves on her.

He may become more flirtatious or passionate around her.

If she responds positively, he will continue to pursue her until he wins her over.

If she doesn’t respond favorably, he may give up completely or resort to manipulating her into liking him.

15 ways a Scorpio man might pursue a woman he likes

1. He will make himself indispensable to you

A Scorpio man will try to be everything that a woman needs. He will be her friend, her lover, and her protector.

He will do whatever it takes to make sure she is happy and safe.

His possessiveness can be a turn-on for some women, while others may find it stifling.

2. He will be very mysterious

Scorpio men like to keep a little bit of mystery in their lives.

They aren’t the type to share everything about themselves with someone else.

When a Scorpio man is pursuing you, he may be a little bit guarded and mysterious around you.

He may not share everything about himself with you right away.

If you are interested in a Scorpio man, you may have to do some digging to figure out what he’s really thinking.

3. He challenges you

A Scorpio man likes to play games and be a little bit elusive.

He enjoys the chase and the challenge of winning over a woman.

If you are being pursued by a Scorpio man, you may find yourself being drawn in by his challenge.

4. He’s passionate about you

Scorpio men are known for their passion.

They are intense and passionate about everything in their lives, including love.

When a Scorpio man is pursuing a woman, he will be very passionate about her.

He may shower her with compliments and gifts, and he’s always trying to be there for her when she needs him.

5. He gives you undivided attention

When a Scorpio man is interested in you, he will give you his undivided attention.

He will want to know everything about her.

He will listen intently to everything that you have to say.

He may even remember some important things that you tell him.

This can be flattering for a woman, and he knows so he uses this to get her to be interested in him.

6. He becomes possessive of you

Scorpio men like to feel like they have a claim on the woman they are pursuing.

He may become a little bit possessive and jealous of you.

He might also be very protective of you.

This can be a turn-on for some women, while others may find it to be overbearing.

7. He takes things slow with you

Scorpio men aren’t the type to rush into things.

They like to take their time and get to know a woman before they make a move.

This is because they want to be sure that they are compatible with the woman.

And they want to get to know their partner on a deep level before they make a commitment.

8. He gets very physical with you

Scorpio men are very physical people.

They are known for being great lovers. When a Scorpio man is pursuing a woman, he will be very physical with her.

He will try to touch her, kiss her, and maybe even try to do more.

If a Scorpio man starts to pursue you he pays attention to how you are with him and uses this to decide when and how he will make his next move.

9. He tries to get you to open up with him

Scorpio men like to be in control. They want to know everything about the woman they are pursuing.

This is because they want to be able to control the situation.

If you are being pursued by a Scorpio man, he will try to get you to open up to him and share your innermost thoughts and feelings.

10. He starts being honest with you

Scorpio men are known for their honesty.

They believe that honesty is the best policy in all aspects of their lives.

When a Scorpio man is pursuing a woman, he will be honest with her about his feelings.

He will also be honest about what he wants from the relationship.

This can be refreshing for a woman who is used to being pursued by men who are not as straightforward.

11. He starts making jokes with you

When a Scorpio man is pursuing you he wants to see how comfortable you are with him.

To do this he will make jokes.

He does this to put you at ease and to see if you can laugh at yourself and the things he talks about.

If you do, then he knows that you are comfortable with him and that you are someone he wants to continue pursuing.

He uses his humor and jokes to see how far he can push you before you get upset. This is how he tests you in your conversations.

12. He teases you

Scorpio men like to tease the women they are interested in. They do this to keep things light and fun.

They also do it to see how you will react. If you get upset easily, then he knows that you are not the right woman for him.

But if you can take a joke and give as good as you get, then he knows that you are someone he wants to pursue.

13. He Listens to you

Scorpio men are known for being great listeners. They are interested in hearing what you have to say.

When a Scorpio man is pursuing you, he will listen to you attentively.

He will be interested in hearing about your day, your thoughts, and your feelings.

This can be a very attractive quality in a man.

14. He is patient with you

A Scorpio man knows what he wants and is willing to wait for it.

He is patient with you, even if you are not quite sure what you want yet.

He is content to take things slow and let you come to him in your own time.

He is also a very passionate sign, so when he does finally make his move, it will be with all the fire and intensity that is characteristic of him.

15. He becomes protective of you

Scorpio men are very protective of the women they care about.

When a Scorpio man is pursuing you, he will want to make sure that you are safe and sound at all times.

He also tries to be there for you when you need him and he is always ready to lend a helping hand.

How to get a Scorpio man to pursue you

There are several things you can do to attract the attention of a Scorpio man and make him pursue you.

1. Challenge him

One of the most important things to remember is that the Scorpio man loves a challenge, so don’t be too easy to get.

2. Being mysterious with him

Be mysterious with him and keep some secrets hidden; this will intrigue him.

3. Flirting with him

Flirt with him and let him know that you’re interested, but don’t give away all your cards at once.

4. Show him confidence

Make sure you have an air of confidence about you – this is very attractive to a Scorpio man.

5. Show him passion

Be passionate about something in your life; this will excite him and he’ll want to pursue you even more.

6. Give him control

Finally, remember that a Scorpio man wants to be the one in control, so let him take the lead sometimes and don’t be too forceful.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be sure to attract the attention of a Scorpio man and make him want to pursue you.


The Scorpio man is passionate and intense in his pursuit of a woman. He will be relentless until he gets what he wants. 

He is the ultimate romantic pursuer; he wants to sweep his woman off her feet and make her feel loved and wanted.

He is known for his intense pursuit of a woman. He will often go to great lengths to win her over and make her fall in love with him.

He is a patient and passionate sign, so when he does finally make his move, it will be after he’s done with all of his investigating.

All of this was happening from the conversations that both of you were having.

Every time he heard about your day, your thoughts, and your feelings he was pursuing you.

The Scorpio man is passionate and intense in his pursuit of a woman.

He will not be deterred by obstacles, and he can be quite relentless in his quest to win her over.

He typically approaches relationships slowly, getting to know the woman on a deeper level before making any major moves.

Once he is interested, however, he will move quickly and decisively to capture your heart. 

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