15 Signs a Scorpio man is testing Pisces woman

There’s no doubt that Scorpio men and Pisces women make for an interesting match.

Both signs are highly emotional and intuitive, so there’s a lot of potential for a great connection and understanding.

However, this relationship can also be quite challenging, as the two signs can easily fall into the roles of caretaker and victim.

In order to make things work, the Scorpio man will need to learn to take a step back and let the Pisces woman be herself, while the Pisces woman will need to stand up for herself more.

But sometimes the Scorpio man can become very testing with the Pisces woman.

This can be frustrating because the Pisces woman wants nothing more than to understand her partner.

If you’re in a relationship with a Scorpio man and you’re feeling lost, here are some of the signs he’s testing you.

15 Signs a Scorpio man might test a Pisces woman

1. He’ll get close and see if you can’t resist touching him

Scorpio men are known for being very touchy-feely, so if your guy is getting a little too close for comfort, it’s likely that he’s testing you.

He wants to see if you’ll be able to resist the urge to touch him, and if you can’t, it means that he’s got you hooked.

Which is exactly what he wants to know.

He wants to know for sure that you’re into him, completely.

2. He’ll make a joke to see if you have a sense of humor

A Scorpio man will joke with a Pisces woman just to test her sense of humor.

He wants to see if she’s able to take a joke, and if she is, it means that she’s got a good sense of humor.

Which is something that he finds very attractive in a woman.

3. He’ll say something to shock you

Scorpio men enjoy shocking people, and they’ll often do it just to get a reaction out of them.

So if your guy says something that shocks you, it’s likely that he’s testing you to see how you’ll react.

He wants to see if you’re the kind of person who can roll with the punches, or if you’re going to get offended easily.

4. He’ll start a debate to see how you think

A Scorpio man will start a debate with a Pisces woman just to see how she thinks.

He wants to know if she’s able to think on her feet, and if she is, it means that she’s got a quick mind.

Which is something that he finds very attractive in a woman.

5. He’ll tease you to see how you react

One of the other ways a Scorpio man tries to test a Pisces woman is by teasing her.

He wants to see if she’s able to take a little bit of teasing because he knows that he can be quite a handful.

If she’s able to take it, then he’ll know that she’s strong enough to handle him.

But if she can’t, then he’ll probably think that she’s not ready for a relationship with him.

So, if you’re a Pisces woman who is interested in a Scorpio man, make sure that you can take a little bit of teasing from him.

And dish it back and tease him too.

6. He’ll be deliberately mysterious to see if you’re curious about him

A Scorpio man will test a Pisces woman by being deliberately mysterious.

He wants to see if she’s curious about him and if she’s willing to try to figure him out.

Scorpio men are often very complicated and they like it when someone is interested in them.

So, if you’re a Pisces woman who is interested in a Scorpio man, make sure that you’re willing to try to figure him out.

And don’t be afraid to ask him questions. He likes it when someone is interested in him and wants to know more about him.

7. He’ll ignore you to see how you respond

A Scorpio man will test a Pisces woman by ignoring her.

He wants to see how she will react and what she will do.

If she gets angry or upset, he knows he can push her buttons.

But if she remains calm and collected, he knows he has found a woman who is worth his time and energy.

He might see this as her having a sense of humor.

Scorpio men are attracted to women who can make them laugh.

If she can take his jokes and teasing, then he knows she is a strong woman who can handle him.

Scorpio men are also attracted to women who are not afraid to be themselves.

They want a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and who is not afraid to show her true colors.

A Pisces woman who is comfortable with herself and who is confident in her own skin is a woman that a Scorpio man will find irresistible.

8. He’ll cancel plans to see if you get upset

A Scorpio man will also test a Pisces woman by canceling plans.

He wants to see how she will react and what she will do.

If the Pisces woman gets upset, then he knows that she cares about him and he can continue to pursue her.

But if she doesn’t get upset, then he probably thinks that she doesn’t care about him and he’ll move on.

9. He’ll be flirty with other women to see if you get jealous

Scorpio men are known for being jealous and controlling, so he’ll test you to see if you’re the same.

If you get jealous or angry when he flirts with other women, he’ll take that as a sign that you like and have feelings for him.

This is one of the ways he tries to feel powerful over you.

The Scorpio man can be a bit selfish and may try to make the Pisces woman feel jealous because it makes him feel great about himself.

A weird and toxic way to test a Pisces woman indeed.

10. He’ll act like he doesn’t care about you to see how you react.

A Scorpio man will test a Pisces woman by acting like he doesn’t care about her or isn’t interested in her.

He’s testing to see if you’ll still be there for him when he’s at his worst.

If you can handle his moodiness and stick by him, he’ll know you’re worth his time and energy.

11. He’ll give you the silent treatment to see if you get angry

Scorpio men will test Pisces women by giving them silent treatment.

He wants to see how you’ll react and if you’ll get angry or upset.

If you can handle his silence and still remain calm and collected, he’ll be impressed by your strength and resilience.

This reinforces his feelings for you and makes him feel more secure in the relationship.

However, if you get angry or defensive when he gives you the silent treatment, it’ll only push him away.

12. He’ll act like he’s not interested in you to see if you pursue him

Scorpio men are known for being mysterious and elusive.

So, it’s not uncommon for them to act disinterested in a woman they’re actually interested in.

They do this to see if the Pisces woman will pursue them or give up easily.

If you’re a Pisces woman who’s attracted to a Scorpio man, don’t be discouraged if he seems uninterested at first.

It may just be his way of testing you. He probably wants you to chase him instead.

The feeds his ego.

13. He’ll be critical of you to see if you can take it

Scorpio men can be quite critical, especially when they’re testing someone.

They want to see if you can handle their constructive criticism without getting too defensive or upset.

If you can take his criticism without getting too worked up, it’ll show him that you’re strong and confident enough to handle him.

This will only make him respect and admire you more.

However, this can become toxic if done too much or too out of content.

Speak to the Scorpio man, set boundaries with him, and let him know how much you’re willing to tolerate.

He loves a woman who can stand up for himself and you really should.

Sometimes Scorpio men need their women to tell them how to treat her.

It makes for a healthy relationship, on both sides.

14. He’ll be cold and distant to see if you try to get close to him

Scorpio men will often test Pisces women by being cold and distant.

They want to see if the Pisces woman will try to get close to them or if she’ll give up and move on.

They do this because they like to be chased and they want to feel like they have the upper hand over her.

And control of the situation.

15. He’ll push your buttons to see how you react

Scorpio men are experts at pushing people’s buttons.

And they will push a Pisces woman’s button to test her.

They do this to see how you’ll react and if you’ll lose your cool.

If you can keep your composure and remain calm, it’ll show him that you’re in control.

He wants to know if he can make jokes or tease you without you getting really upset.

But if you get angry or defensive, it’ll only push him away.

Why does a Scorpio man test a Pisces woman?

A Scorpio man likes to feel powerful and he’ll test a Pisces woman to see how much she cares about him.

He wants to know if she’s really interested in him or if she’s just playing games.

If a Pisces woman can pass his tests, it’ll only make him respect and admire her more.

He does all of this because he is afraid of opening up to the Pisces woman and getting hurt.

He wants to feel like the Pisces woman loves him unconditionally before he can surrender himself fully to her.

Many might say that seems insecure but this is how some Scorpio men operate.


A Scorpio man tests a Pisces woman because he wants to see if she is worthy of his trust and love.

It means that he has feelings for her and he’s afraid of opening up and getting hurt.

He likes to feel in control all the time and finds it hard to give his heart fully to a Pisces woman.

A Scorpio man will test you because he wants to see how far he can push you.

He wants to see how compatible both of you are in the relationship and how much sense of humor you have.

He will also test you to see if you can handle his dark moods.

Scorpio men are known for being very intense and passionate, but they also have a dark side.

They can be moody sometimes, and they often withdraw into themselves when they’re feeling down.

If a Scorpio man is testing you, it means that he’s interested in you and wants to see if you can handle him.

So, if you’re up for the challenge, go ahead and show him what you’re made of.

And don’t be afraid to set a boundary or two.

Take some control.

He has to learn to let go of control sometimes.

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