17 Ways to get a Scorpio man to commit

I know what you’re thinking.

“How the heck am I supposed to get a Scorpio man to commit when he’s known for being commitment-phobic?”

It’s not as impossible as it seems.

In fact, there are plenty of ways to reel in a Scorpio man and make him want to stay by your side forever.

With the right strategy, you can make him want to stay with you for the long haul. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

17 Ways to get a Scorpio man to commit to you

1. Get to know his friends and family

A Scorpio man is very close to the people in his life, so getting to know them will help you get to know him better.

Plus, it’ll show him that you’re interested in his life and that you’re not just after him for his looks.

2. Get him to open up about his feelings

A Scorpio man is known for being guarded and closed off, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelings.

In fact, he’s probably just afraid of getting hurt.

If you can get him to open up about his feelings, he’ll be more likely to let his guard down around you and he’ll be more likely to commit to you.

3. Accept him for who he is

A Scorpio man is a complex individual, so it’s important to accept him for who he is.

If you try to change him, he’ll only resist you and he’ll be less likely to commit to you.

But if you accept him, he’ll feel more comfortable with you and he’ll be more likely to want to commit to you.

4. Make sure you have common interests

One of the best ways to get a Scorpio man to commit is by having common interests.

This way, you’ll have plenty to talk about and do together.

He’s very passionate about things in his life so it’s important that you’re able to understand and share in his interests.

5. Challenge him intellectually

One way to get a Scorpio man to commit is to challenge him intellectually.

If you can keep up with his quick wit and sharp mind, he’ll be hooked.

Whether it’s engaging in debates or playing trivia games, showing him that you’re his intellectual equal will keep him coming back for more.

And, who knows, you might even learn a thing or two from him along the way.


He loves a woman that likes to tease and has a great sense of humor.

6. Show him that you’re not going anywhere

A Scorpio man wants to know that you’re not going anywhere.

So, if you’re looking for a long-term commitment from him, it’s important to show him that you’re in it for the long haul.

One way to do this is by being patient with him and not rushing him into anything.

Another way is to show him that you’re supportive of his goals and dreams.

By showing him that you’re not going anywhere, he’ll be more likely to want to commit to you.

7. Make sure he knows you’re interested in him

A Scorpio man is attracted to confident women, so it’s important that you let him know that you’re interested in him.

One way to do this is by being direct and telling him how you feel.

Another way is to show your interest through body language, like making eye contact, smiling, and touching him.

Either way, if he knows you’re interested in him, he’ll be more likely to want to commit to you.

8. Flirt with him

Scorpio men love a tease.

Flirting is a great way to get a Scorpio man to commit.

This is because he loves the chase and he’ll be more likely to commit if he knows that he has to work for your affections.

So, go ahead and flirt with him!

9. Be confident

A Scorpio man is attracted to confident women who are comfortable in their own skin.

So, if you’re not comfortable with yourself, he’s not going to be comfortable with you.

Make him feel comfortable by being confident and comfortable with yourself.

10. Be understanding and supportive

Scorpio men are very passionate about their goals and dreams, so it’s important that you’re supportive of them.

If you can show him that you believe in him and his dreams, he’ll be more likely to commit to you.

So, be understanding and supportive of his goals and dreams.

11. Make sure you’re on the same page

One of the most important things in a relationship is making sure that you’re on the same page.

This is especially true when it comes to a Scorpio man.

Before you even think about getting him to commit, make sure that you’re both on the same page about what you want out of the relationship.

If you’re not, it’s probably not going to work.

12. Try to understand what he’s looking for in a relationship

A Scorpio man is looking for a woman who understands him and his needs.

So, if you want to get him to commit, try to understand what he’s looking for in a relationship.

One way to do this is by talking to him about it.

Another way is to try to get to know him and his needs better.

13. Be honest with him

Scorpio men appreciate honesty, so it’s important that you’re honest with him.

One way to be honest with him is to tell him how you feel.

Another way is, to be honest about your intentions.

If you’re not looking for a serious relationship, don’t lead him on.

He’ll appreciate your honesty and it’ll make it more likely that he commits to you.

14. Show him how much you care about him

Scorpio men want to feel loved and appreciated.

One way to show him how much you care about him is by telling him.

Another way is to show him through your actions.

Do things for him that show how much you care about him, like cooking for him, doing things for him, and being there for him when he needs you.

15. Give him space when he needs it

Scorpio men like having their own time and space, so it’s important that you give him space when he needs it.

One way to do this is by giving him time to himself when he wants it.

Another way is to not be too clingy or needy.

If you give him the space he needs, he’ll be more likely to want to commit to you.

This will show him that you understand him and you’re not too demanding.

16. Make sure you’re compatible

A Scorpio man wants to be with a woman who he’s compatible with.

One way to make sure you’re compatible is by having similar interests.

Another way is by being compatible on a deeper level, like having similar values and beliefs.

If you’re compatible with him, he’ll be more likely to want to commit to you.

17. Be yourself

A Scorpio man is attracted to women who are genuine and authentic.

So, it’s important that you be yourself around him.

One way to do this is by being genuine with him.

Another way is by being straightforward and honest with him.

If you’re yourself around him, he’ll be more likely to want to commit to you.

Because it shows him that you’re confident and trusting enough to show him the real you.


Getting a Scorpio man to commit to you can be a challenge, depending on how comfortable he is with allowing you to get close to him.

Scorpio men can be very untrusting and are afraid of committing to a relationship.

They like to be in control so opening up and giving their hearts to someone is not second nature to them.

The best thing you can do is be patient with him and not try to rush him into a commitment.

If he’s really into you he’ll find a way to make some effort to let you know that he is.

Because he always goes after what he wants.

But sometimes they’re not ready or willing to commit to anyone no matter what you do.

Understanding your needs and expectations as well as his will help you to figure out if he’s worth your time and effort.

In the end, you really have to ask yourself if what you’re looking for from him is the same he wants from you.

And if it’s not you might want to look elsewhere for what you need.

But first, the best thing that you can do is be patient, try to understand him, communicate and listen to what he says.

Because you’ll generally know if a Scorpio man wants any sort of commitment with you based on how he speaks.

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