21 Signs a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you

Are you dating a Scorpio man and wondering if he’s fighting his feelings for you?

You may be hoping that he’ll eventually come around and admit how he feels, but the truth is, it’s not always so easy to get a Scorpio man to open up.

In fact, sometimes they do everything they can to keep their emotions hidden from everyone.

The big question is, is he fighting his feelings for you? Here are some signs to look out for.

21 Signs a Scorpio man might be fighting his feelings for you

1. He easily becomes distant with you

When a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you, he may suddenly become distant and cold.

This is his way of creating distance so that he can protect himself from getting hurt.

He may also do this if he feels like he is losing control of the situation.

And he doesn’t want to grow attachment and feelings towards you.

2. He is constantly getting hot and cold with you

Another sign a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you is if he constantly hot and cold with you.

One minute he may be all over you and the next minute he may be ignoring you.

This is his way of trying to keep himself from getting too close to you.

3. He doesn’t want to show you his vulnerable side

Scorpio men are known for being very guarded and private.

So if he is fighting his feelings for you, he definitely won’t want to show you his vulnerable side.

He will keep his emotions and feelings bottled up inside.

4. He’s always guarded and doesn’t want to let you in

If a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you, he will always be guarded and seem distant.

It will feel like he’s never really letting you in.

He’s just trying to protect himself from getting hurt.

5. He’s always testing you and pushing your buttons

Another sign a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you is if he’s always testing you and pushing your buttons.

He does this to see how much you can handle and how strong your feelings for him are.

If he starts to feel like he’s losing control, he’ll back off.

6. He’s extremely jealous and possessive of you

If a Scorpio man is constantly jealous and possessive of you, it’s likely that he’s fighting his feelings for you.

He doesn’t want anyone else to have you, because he knows that he wants you for himself.

He’s afraid of getting hurt, so he tries to keep his feelings under wraps.

But eventually, his true feelings will come out and you’ll see it based on the things he does, like this.

7. He’s always trying to make you jealous as well

When a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you, he may try to make you jealous as well.

He wants to see if you care about him as much as he cares about you.

He’s testing your feelings to see where they stand.

If you’re not jealous, he’ll take it as a sign that you don’t care about him.

But if you are jealous, it means you have feelings for him too.

8. He’s always around you

He wants to be near you all the time and he doesn’t want to leave your side.

He’s drawn to you like a moth to a flame.

The more he’s around you, the more he realizes how much he likes you.

9. He withdraws from you when he’s upset or angry

When a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you, he may withdraw from you emotionally.

He may seem distant or cold when he’s really just trying to protect himself from getting hurt.

If you’re in a relationship with a Scorpio man, you may notice that he pulls away from you when he’s upset or angry.

This is because Scorpio men tend to retreat into their own inner worlds when they’re feeling emotional.

They may seem distant or even cold, but it’s usually just their way of protecting themselves from getting hurt.

10. He never wants to talk about his feelings

Another sign that a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you is that he never wants to talk about his emotions.

Scorpio men are very private people, and they often keep their feelings to themselves.

If you’re in a relationship with a Scorpio man, don’t be surprised if he never wants to talk about his emotions.

This is just his way of dealing with his feelings, and it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about you.

11. He’s always trying to control everything

Scorpio men are known for being control freaks.

If your Scorpio man is always trying to control everything, it may be because he’s afraid of losing control of his own emotions.

He may be afraid of letting his guard down and getting hurt, so he tries to control everything around him.

If you find that your Scorpio man is always trying to control everything, it’s important to talk to him about it.

Let him know that you understand his need for control, but explain that it’s not healthy for either of you.

12. He’s got critical and judgmental

Scorpio men can be critical and judgmental, especially when it comes to emotions.

If your Scorpio man is always critiquing your emotions or the way you express them, it may be because he’s afraid of his own feelings.

He may be afraid of being vulnerable, so he judges others in an attempt to feel superior.

If you find that your Scorpio man is being critical and judgmental, try to have a calm and honest conversation with him.

Explain that his behavior is hurtful and that you deserve to be respected.

Challenge him to respect you. He understands more than anyone and will respect your need to stand up for yourself.

13. He has a lot of anger and resentment pent up inside

Scorpio men tend to bottle up their emotions, and over time, this can lead to a lot of anger and resentment.

If your Scorpio man is always angry or resentful, it may be because he’s holding in his feelings.

Try to talk to him about his emotions and encourage him to express himself in a healthy way.

If your Scorpio man is struggling to deal with his emotions, you may need to seek professional help.

Therapy can be a great way for Scorpio men to learn how to express their feelings in a healthy way.

14. He’s always looking for an argument or a fight

When a Scorpio man likes you and is fighting his feelings for you, he may try to pick fights with you.

Scorpio men are known for being hot-headed, and they often use arguing as a way to release their pent-up emotions.

If you find that your Scorpio man is always looking for a fight, try to talk to him about it.

Explain that you’re not interested in arguing and that you’d prefer to find a more constructive way to communicate.

If your Scorpio man is unwilling to listen to reason, you may need to take a break from him.

It’s important to be with someone who is willing to communicate in a healthy way.

15. He’s constantly testing your boundaries

Scorpio men are known for being testing and challenging, especially when it comes to emotions.

If your Scorpio man is always pushing your boundaries, it may be because he’s testing your emotional limits.

He may be trying to see how much you can handle or how far you’re willing to go.

In his attempt to fight and hide his feelings he’ll test you to see if you feel the same way and if he can open up to you about his feelings.

16. He never wants to let his guard down

The Scorpio man is very afraid of being hurt so he’ll do everything to hide and fight his feelings for you.

One of the ways he does that is by never letting his guard down.

He’s always on the defensive, and he never wants to let his walls down.

17. You feel like you’re always walking on eggshells around him

When a Scorpio man is dealing with his feelings and hiding them he may become defensive.

Because the Scorpio man is always on the defensive, you may feel like you’re always walking on eggshells around him.

You never know when he’s going to lash out, and you always have to be careful about what you say and do.

If he gets like this with you it is because he’s having a really hard time fighting his feelings for you.

And he thinks by pushing you away and being unemotional towards you, it’ll help him deal better.

18. You feel like you can never really know him or understand him fully

Scorpio men are complex creatures, and they often feel like they’re misunderstood.

If your Scorpio man is always closed off and you feel like you can never really know him, it’s because he’s afraid of being vulnerable.

He doesn’t want to let his guard down and he doesn’t want to show his feelings because he’s afraid of being hurt.

If you want to get to know your Scorpio man, you need to be patient and understanding.

Give him time and space to open up to you when he’s ready.

Don’t try to force him to open up before he’s ready, or you’ll only push him further away.

19. He’s always holding back and you can sense it

When a Scorpio man likes you, he’ll often hold back because he’s afraid of getting hurt.

He doesn’t want to let his guard down, and he doesn’t want to show his feelings.

This can often make him seem distant and unemotional.

If you sense that your Scorpio man is always holding back, it’s because he’s fighting his feelings for you.

He doesn’t want to let himself get too attached in case it doesn’t work out.

20. He’s always talking about his ex or other women

Scorpio men often like to play it safe by talking about their ex or other women.

It’s a way of keeping distance between you and him.

If he’s always talking about his ex or other women, it’s because he’s trying to keep himself from getting too attached to you.

He doesn’t want to let his guard down, and he doesn’t want to get hurt.

21. He stalks you online and keeps tabs on you

Scorpio men are known for being a bit possessive and jealous.

If your Scorpio man is always stalking you online or keeping tabs on you, it’s because he’s trying to control the situation.

He doesn’t want to let his guard down, and he doesn’t want to give you the upper hand.

He’s trying to keep himself in control so he doesn’t get hurt.

Why does a Scorpio man fight his feelings?

There are a few possible reasons why a Scorpio man fights his feelings.

Maybe he’s afraid of getting hurt, this is probably the most common.

Maybe he doesn’t want to get too attached. Or maybe he’s just not ready for a relationship.

How to make a Scorpio man not fight his feelings?

It’s not easy to get a Scorpio man to fall in love. They are guarded with their hearts and it takes a special person to get past their barriers.

But once you do, they make the most amazing and loyal partners.

The best way to get a Scorpio man to not fight his feelings for you is to understand what he wants, who he is, and how to get him to open up to you.


Winning the battle over a Scorpio man who is fighting his feelings for you may not be the easiest thing to do.

But if you try to understand him and understand what makes a Scorpio man open up it might help him let his guard down.

Which may allow you to get closer to him.

The Scorpio man fights his feelings because he is afraid of being vulnerable with you and possibly ends up getting hurt.

This is why he tries to keep himself at a distance from you, emotionally.

He has a hard time trusting anyone and letting anyone in.

If you want to get close to a Scorpio man you may have to be patient and understand him.

And try not to force him into anything before he is ready.

Scorpio men are loyal and amazing partners once they let their guard down for you.

So, it may be worth the effort to try and get past his barriers.

And he wants to be open with you, he just doesn’t know how to let go of his ego and need for control. But he’s working on it.

Will he ultimately learn how to master and control his emotions to develop better relationships? Only time will tell.

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