25 Signs a Scorpio man only wants to be friends

Being friends with a Scorpio man has its perks. He’s always up for a good time, he’s loyal and protective of friends, and he’s always there when you need him.

But how do you know if his interest in you means that he wants to be more than just friends?

Let’s look at some of the signs:

25 Signs a Scorpio man just wants to be friends with you

1. He’s not interested in your love life

If a Scorpio man doesn’t ask you about your love life he probably just wants to be friends.

This is especially true if you’ve been friends for a while and he’s never brought it up.

2. He doesn’t want to spend time with you

If a Scorpio man starts making excuses not to spend time with you then he probably just wants to be friends.

Scorpio men are very passionate and enjoy spending time with the people they care about.

So, if he’s making excuses not to see you then it’s probably because he doesn’t want to lead you on.

3. He’s not interested in your problems

If a Scorpio man doesn’t want to hear about your problems then he probably just wants to be friends.

Scorpio men are very compassionate and want to help their friends, so if he’s not interested in your problems then it’s probably because he doesn’t want to get emotionally attached to you.

4. He doesn’t give you compliments

If a Scorpio man is interested in you, he will definitely let you know. He will compliment your looks, your intelligence, and anything else he finds attractive about you.

If he’s not interested and only wants to be friends with you, he simply won’t bother.

5. He isn’t jealous when you talk about other guys

This is a big one. If he doesn’t get jealous when you talk about other guys, it’s a big sign that he just wants to be friends.

He’s not interested in you romantically if he’s okay with hearing about the other guys you’re talking to.

6. He doesn’t want to be seen with you in public

A Scorpio man is very private and doesn’t like to share his personal life with just anyone.

If he’s not interested in you romantically, he’s not going to want to be seen with you in public.

He’ll make up excuses as to why he can’t go out with you or why he doesn’t want to be seen with you in public.

7. He’s not interested in your family or friends

If a Scorpio man wants to be more than friends with you, he’ll definitely want to know more about your family and friends.

He’s not going to want to be left out of any important gatherings or events.

If he’s not interested in getting to know the people who are important to you, it’s a pretty clear sign that he just wants to be friends.

8. You never hang out alone with him

If you never had any one-on-one time with a Scorpio man it’s probably because he only wants to be friends with you.

He doesn’t care to know your deepest, darkest secrets. All he wants to know is what’s on the surface.

9. He treats you like other guys

If you feel like you’re just another one of the guys to a Scorpio man, it’s probably because he only wants to be friends with you.

Maybe he doesn’t see himself in a physical or romantic relationship with you, or maybe he’s just not interested.

Either way, if you don’t feel like he’s treating you any differently than he treats his guy friends, it’s probably because friendship is all he wants from you.

10. He doesn’t care about being physical with you

If a Scorpio man sees you as a friend, he won’t care about being physically close to you.

This includes things like holding hands, hugging, and even kissing.

He’ll be perfectly content keeping a safe distance from you.

This is one of the most obvious signs that he just wants to be friends.

11. He never makes the time for you

One of the most telling signs that a Scorpio man just wants to be friends is if he never makes time for you.

If he’s always busy or always has some excuse as to why he can’t spend time with you, it’s likely that he doesn’t want anything more than friendship.

12. He talks about other women with you

One of the biggest signs that a Scorpio man just wants to be friends is if he talks about other women with you.

He might do this in a way that is meant to be friendly and innocent, but it can often come off as disrespectful.

If he is constantly talking about other women in front of you, it’s a clear sign that he doesn’t see you as anything more than a friend.

13. He doesn’t dress up to see you

If a Scorpio man is interested in being more than friends with you, he will make sure that you know it.

He will dress up and look his best whenever he knows he will see you.

If he doesn’t bother making an effort to look good for you, it’s probably a sign that he just sees you as a friend.

14. He gives you tips about your appearance

A Scorpio man is not the type to offer unsolicited advice unless he just wants to be friends.

If he starts giving you advice about your appearance, it’s probably a sign he’s not interested in anything more.

If he wanted to be more than friends with you, he would probably give you more compliments rather than appearance advice.

15. He asks you for and requests dating advice

If a Scorpio man is constantly asking you for advice on how to date other women, then it’s a pretty good sign that he just wants to be friends.

He’s probably not interested in you romantically and is instead using you as a sounding board for his own dating life.

16. He starts dating someone else almost

If a Scorpio man starts dating someone else soon after meeting you, it’s a pretty clear sign that he’s only interested in being friends with you.

He might say that he’s just “keeping his options open,” but in reality, he’s probably not that into you more than being friends.

And even if he is interested in you, he’s probably not ready to pursue anything serious yet, so it’s best not to get your hopes up.

17. He talks about his ex with you

If a Scorpio man is constantly talking about his ex with you, then it’s probably a sign that he just wants to be friends.

He’s not interested in getting into a new relationship with you and is just using you as a sounding board to get advice for his own issues.

18. He doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you

If you’ve been dating a Scorpio man for a while and he hasn’t made any moves to take your relationship to the next level, it’s probably because he’s not interested in you that way.

He may enjoy spending time with you and appreciate your company, but he’s not looking for anything romantic.

19. He doesn’t make an effort to get to know you better

When a Scorpio man is interested in someone, he will go out of his way to get to know them better.

If he’s not asking you any questions about your life or trying to get to know you on a deeper level, it’s a pretty good sign that he’s not interested in anything more than friendship.

20. He’s not interested in your hobbies or interests

If a Scorpio man is not interested in learning about your hobbies and interest, then he’s not interested in you romantically.

Maybe he doesn’t want to know what makes you tick and what your passions are.

If he couldn’t care less about your hobbies, then he’s probably just trying to be friends with you.

Contrary to this as well, is that a Scorpio man can be interested in your interests and hobbies and still doesn’t want anything more than friendship.

21. He doesn’t ask you personal questions

When a Scorpio man is pursuing you for more than friendship he’ll want to know everything about you.

From your favorite color to your hopes and dreams, nothing will be off-limits.

If he’s not asking you personal questions it’s a sign that he’s not interested in you as anything more than a friend.

22. He’s not interested in your dreams or goals

If a Scorpio mаn wants to be more thаn friends with уоu, he will wаnt to know whаt уоu’re passionate аbоut.

He will аѕk уоu quеѕtiоnѕ аbоut уоur dreams аnd goals, аnd he will lеt уоu tаlk аbоut уоurѕеlf аѕ muсh аѕ уоu want.

If he doesn’t ѕееm interested in whаt уоu have to say on a deeper and more personal level, it’s probably a sign he just wants to be friends.

23. He’s not interested in your life outside of the relationship

If your Scorpio man friend shows zero interest in hearing about your day, what’s going on in your life, or anything else outside of your relationship, it’s a sign that he just wants to be friends.

He’s not interested in anything more than that.

This is especially true if he used to be interested in your life and suddenly stopped asking about it.

24. He doesn’t want to be exclusive with you

If a Scorpio man is only interested in being your friend, he won’t want to be exclusive with you.

He’ll want to keep his options open in case he meets someone else that he’s more interested in.

If you’re exclusive with a Scorpio man, it means that he’s fully committed to you and is only interested in being with you.

25. He doesn’t ask you out on dates

If a Scorpio man is interested in you, he will definitely ask you out on dates.

He’s not the type to just want to be friends with someone he’s interested in.

So, if he’s not asking you out, it’s probably because he just wants to be friends.

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Why would a Scorpio man only want to be friends and nothing more?

One possibility why a Scorpio man would only want to be friends with you and nothing more is that he’s simply not interested in you romantically.

He may find you intriguing and enjoy your company, but that doesn’t mean he’s looking for anything more than friendship.

Another possibility is that he’s been hurt in the past and is afraid to open up again.

If he’s been burned by love, he may prefer to keep his distance and avoid getting too close to anyone.

Whatever the reason, if a Scorpio man only wants to be friends, it’s best to respect his wishes and enjoy the friendship for what it is.

A Scorpio man is often secretive and elusive, making it hard to get to know him but once you’ve earned his trust, he can be a loyal and devoted friend.

So even if he may not be interested in you romantically that doesn’t mean that you can’t have an amazing relationship as friends.


It can be difficult to tell if a Scorpio man only wants to be friends, or if he’s interested in something more because he treats the people he likes really well.

However, there are a few key things to look out for that can give you a clue as to his true intentions for your relationship.

If he’s not interested in getting to know you better, being exclusive with you, or asking you out on dates, then it’s likely that he’s probably not serious about you and just wants to be friends.

On the other hand, if he’s interested in you, he will make an effort to get to know you better and will want to be exclusive with you.

The best way to know for sure is to just ask him directly what his intentions are. That way, there will be no confusion and you’ll know exactly where you stand with him.

That, aside because of his mischievous nature, it wouldn’t surprise me if a Scorpio man said that he wanted to be friends with benefits.

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