30 Signs a Scorpio man is not interested in you

There are many ways a Scorpio man might act when he’s not interested or no longer interested in you anymore.

A Scorpio man can be difficult to read, and you can sometimes feel like he’s giving you mixed signals, which makes you wonder if he is interested in you.

No one enjoys feeling like they’re not wanted, especially when it comes to love, something we all can understand.

If you’re trying to decipher whether a Scorpio man is interested in you or not, here are some signs that might help clear things up.

30 Signs a Scorpio man might not be interested in you

1. He looks at you as just a friend

A Scorpio man might look at you as just a friend if he doesn’t feel any physical or romantic attraction towards you.

He might be polite and friendly towards you, but he’s not interested in anything more than that.

If you’re attracted to him and want to take things further, it’s likely that you’ll have to make the first move.

2. He’s always busy

If a Scorpio man is not interested in you, he’ll probably make excuses to avoid spending time with you.

He might say he’s too busy with work or other commitments, but the truth is he probably doesn’t want to be around you.

If he can’t find a way to get out of spending time with you, he might not be very talkative or engaging when you’re together.

3. He frequently cancels plans

When someone is into you, they’ll make time for you no matter what.

But if a Scorpio man has lost interest, he’ll probably start canceling plans at the last minute or making up excuses as to why he can’t see you.

He might say he’s sick or has to work late when the reality is he doesn’t want to spend time with you.

If this starts happening frequently, it’s a sign that he’s probably not interested.

4. He never talks about going on dates

If a Scorpio man wants you he’ll let you know. He won’t want you to look elsewhere for attention.

Scorpio men are known for being very upfront about their intentions.

So if he’s not talking about going on dates or taking things further, it’s a sign that he might not be as interested in you as you think.

5. He doesn’t make you feel important

When it comes to relationships, feeling important is essential.

We all want to feel like we matter to the person we’re with, that we’re special and unique to them.

If a Scorpio man is not interested in you, he probably won’t take the time to make you feel important or valued.

You might feel like you’re just another person to him, which is not a good sign.

6. He’s unreliable when it comes to showing up for you

If a Scorpio man is unreliable when it comes to showing up for you, he’s probably no longer interested in you.

He might make plans with you and then cancel at the last minute or not show up at all.

It’s important to have someone in your life who is reliable and who you can count on, so if he’s not that person, it might be time to move on.

If he’s not willing to be better with you.

7. He doesn’t give you any attention

A Scorpio man who is no longer interested in you might not give you any attention. He might act like he’s not interested in you or what you have to say.

It might feel like he’s not listening when you’re talking or that he doesn’t care about your life or your day-to-day experiences.

If you’re not getting the attention you want or need from him, it might be time to talk to him about how you’re feeling and be willing to move on if he doesn’t want to make any effort.

8. He starts to pull away

When a Scorpio man is no longer interested in you, he might start to pull away both emotionally and physically.

He might not be as invested in the relationship as he used to be and you might feel like you’re always the one reaching out to him.

If you’re feeling like he’s pulling away, it might be time to have a talk with him about what’s going on and be willing to walk away if he’s not interested in working on things.

9. He doesn’t care when or if you talk about other guys

If a Scorpio man does not care when you talk about other guys, it is likely that he is no longer interested in you.

He might not get jealous when you talk about other guys or he might not care if you talk to other guys.

This is a clear sign that he is not interested in you anymore.

10. He asks you for dating advice

A man will probably never ask a woman he’s interested in for dating advice, at least not directly.

If he starts asking you for advice on how to date other women or how to attract other women, it’s a sign that he’s not interested in you.

He might be trying to indirectly tell you that he’s not interested in you by asking for your help with other women.

11. He tells you that he doesn’t want a relationship

This is the most obvious sign a man might no longer be interested in having a relationship with you.

If he tells you that he doesn’t want a relationship or that he’s not interested in dating, believe him and be willing to move on.

12. He never calls or texts you first

Texting and calling are two ways that people keep in touch and communicate with each other.

If a Scorpio man never calls or texts you first, it might be a sign that he’s not interested in you.

He might not be interested in talking to you or hearing from you.

13. You feel like you’re chasing him

If you find yourself always being the one to reach out and trying to get his attention, it might be a sign that he’s not interested in you.

You should never have to chase someone or try to get their attention if they’re interested in you.

If you feel like you’re chasing him, it might be time to start evaluating what type of relationship you have and if it’s worth your time.

Both of you need to be making effort to get things to work so if it’s always you trying and he isn’t making any change to do better and work with you, it might be time to move on.

14. He doesn’t make an effort to get to know you

Does it seem like everything is surface level with him and he’s not interested in getting to know you on a deeper level?

If so, it might be because he’s not interested in you.

People who are interested in each other want to know everything about each other and they make an effort to get to know each other.

If he’s not interested in getting to know you, it might be time to let him go.

15. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends or family

If a guy is interested in you, he’s going to want to introduce you to the people who are important to him.

If he’s not interested in you, he might not care to introduce you to his friends and family.

This is a clear sign that he’s probably not that interested in you.

16. He never wants to talk about himself

There is no way for you to really know a person if they never want to share anything about themselves with you.

If a Scorpio man never wants to talk about himself, it might be because he’s not interested in you.

He might not want you to know anything about him because he doesn’t plan on being in your life for very long.

Scorpio men are often secretive but when they like you they will still share things about themselves with you.

17. He’s always talking about other women

If he’s talking about other women around you without any regard for your feelings that’s a no-no.

It might be a sign that he’s not interested in you and is more interested in other women.

If this is the case, you should probably move on.

18. He becomes distant and withdrawn

People don’t become distant and withdrawn unless they want to be.

If a Scorpio man suddenly starts becoming distant and withdraws from your conversations, it’s a sign that he’s not interested.

19. He’s no longer flirtatious

If a Scorpio man is no longer being flirtatious with you, it’s a sign that he might not be interested.

This could mean that he’s not attractive to you as he once was or it could be a sign that he’s interested in someone else.

20. You just have a feeling

Sometimes you just have a feeling that something isn’t right.

You can’t always explain it, but you just know.

If you have a feeling that a Scorpio man is no longer interested in you, it’s probably because he isn’t.

Trust your gut and be willing to move on if you feel like it’s time.

21. He doesn’t hang out and talk to you

If you know that there was a time when both of you spent more time together talking but now he doesn’t even want to be in the same room as you, it’s a sign that he might not be interested.

It doesn’t matter how well you think you know him, if he’s not interested, he’s not going to want to spend time with you.

And he might not tell you to protect your feelings.

22. He doesn’t give you compliments

When someone is interested in you, they want to make you feel good and one of the ways to do that is through compliments.

Not giving you compliments is not an obvious sign that a man is not interested in you.

Sometimes things are just more complicated and we don’t say things that we should.

Maybe he’s just not the type to give compliments and he never did much of it.

But if he’s known to give you lots of compliments in the past and suddenly he stopped, it might be a sign that he’s not interested.

23. He flirts with people in front of you

Oh… The disrespect!

If he’s flirting with other people in front of you, it’s a sign that he doesn’t care about your feelings and he’s probably not interested in you.

It doesn’t matter how much he denies it, the fact that he’s doing it in front of you is a sign that he doesn’t respect you enough to stop.

24. He gives you the silent treatment

Giving silent treatment is one of the most immature things a grown person can do.

It’s a sign that he doesn’t know how to communicate with you and he’s not interested in trying to figure it out.

It might be a sign that he wants to end things but he doesn’t know how to tell you.

Or it could be a sign that he’s just not interested in you anymore.

The only way to move past silent treatment with a Scorpio man is to;

  • Avoid pushing him to open up
  • Set boundaries with him about his behavior after he is over what was bothering him
  • Communicate to find out what was wrong and how both of you can work on things for the better

25. He makes fun of you in front of others

This is a no-no on so many levels but it’s possible that he might do this if he’s not interested in you.

It might be a way for him to put some distance between the two of you or it could be because he’s trying to humiliate you.

In any case, it’s not a good sign and if he’s doing this, it might be time to move on.

26. He says rude and sarcastic things toward you

There are several reasons why a Scorpio man might become sarcastic with you.

Mainly when he’s upset or if he feels like he’s not getting his own way.

But if he’s constantly sarcastic with you and it’s not in a playful way, it might be a sign that he doesn’t respect you and is probably not interested in you.

27. He treats the relationship like a chore

A relationship that is viewed as fun and interesting is never work or it doesn’t feel like work.

It should be something that both of you look forward to.

But if he’s always complaining about spending time with you and he seems to dread it, it’s probably a sign that he doesn’t want to be in the relationship.

He might not tell you this directly but his actions will show it.

28. He’s a pessimist when he’s around you

Negativity is very unattractive.

It can be draining and toxic in any relationship, for sure.

No one wants to constantly be around someone who is negative all the time.

It’s not only a sign that he’s not interested in you but it’s also a sign that he’s not interested in the relationship.

29. He’s always trying to get you upset on purpose

Some people do this because they want to see how much you can take before you break up with them.

They might not be interested in you but they’re interested in seeing how long they can string you along before you finally end things.

Don’t waste your time with someone like this.

30. He’s easily annoyed with you

If he’s always annoyed with you, it might be a sign that he doesn’t want to be around you.

It could also be a sign that he’s not interested in the relationship.

Either way, it’s not a good sign and you might want to consider moving on.

What makes a Scorpio man lose interest?

Scorpio men can be difficult to read and you might not always understand why they’ve lost interest

There are many things that might cause a Scorpio man to lose interest in a relationship.

  • It could be because he feels like he’s not getting what he wants from the relationship.
  • It could be because he’s feeling suffocated or he doesn’t feel like he has enough space.
  • It could be because of something you did or said that he didn’t like.
  • It could be because he’s just not ready for a committed relationship.

There are many possibilities but the only way to know for sure is to ask him directly and see if he might be willing to tell you what’s missing in the relationship.

How to keep a Scorpio man’s interest in a relationship?

There are many things you can do to keep a Scorpio man’s interest in a relationship.

Some of these things include:

  • Being supportive
  • Being understanding
  • Giving him space when he needs it
  • Communicating with him
  • Keeping the relationship exciting
  • Roleplay and explore his dark side/mind
  • Get him to feel comfortable opening up all his layers to you
  • Avoid jumping to conclusions and being judgemental
  • Be self-driven and discipline
  • Let him see that you’re willing to grow with him
  • Have a team player kind of relationship where you celebrate each other’s wins

It’s also important to be honest with him and to let him know what you want from the relationship.

Scorpio men appreciate honesty and they’re more likely to be interested in a relationship if they know what you’re looking for.

Do Scorpio men come back after losing interest?

There’s no sure answer when it comes to this question.

Scorpio men are known for being very stubborn and they might not always come back even if they still have feelings for you.

It really depends on the situation and why they lost interest in the first place.

If you’re hoping for a Scorpio man to come back after he’s lost interest, the best thing you can do is give him some time and space.

Don’t try to force him to come back or to talk to you.

Just let him be and see what happens. If he comes back, great. If not, then you might need to accept that it’s over and move on.

How can you tell if a Scorpio man is done with you?

There are many signs that a Scorpio man is done with you.

Some of these signs include:

  • He’s no longer interested in talking to you
  • He’s no longer interested in spending time with you
  • He’s no longer interested in being intimate with you
  • He’s no longer interested in being in a relationship with you
  • He has become distant and cold

These are just some of the signs that a Scorpio man might be done with you.

If you’re seeing any of these signs, it’s time to start having conversations about the status of your relationship and be willing to accept that it’s probably time to move on.


It’s important to remember that these are just some signs that a Scorpio man might not be interested in you.

There are other signs that you might notice that are not on this list.

And just because a Scorpio man might show many of these signs that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s not interested in you.

It might just mean that he’s going through a tough time or that he needs some space.

It’s possible that the relationship is in a rough place right now and both of you need to do some work to fix things.

The only way to know for sure is to talk to him directly and see what he has to say about the situation.

Don’t give up on your relationship right away. Try to work with him and see if things can be improved.

If he’s not willing to put in the effort like you are then you might want to start thinking about moving on.

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