28 Reasons why a Scorpio woman ignores you

Nobody likes to be ignored, not even a Scorpio woman. But when she stops talking to you, there’s usually a good reason, that’s justified in her eyes.

This can be frustrating for you because she’ll probably never say anything to you, but give you the silent treatment.

But there are a few reasons she might ignore you, to begin with. Let’s look at some of them.

28 Reasons why a Scorpio woman ignores and stops talking to you

1. She’s trying to teach you a lesson

Scorpio women are known for being vengeful, and if she feels like you’ve wronged her, she may be trying to teach you a lesson.

She’s hoping that by ignoring you, you’ll realize your mistake and come crawling back to her.

2. She’s testing your patience

A Scorpio woman may also ignore you as a way of testing your patience.

She wants to see how much you’re willing to put up with, and how badly you want her.

If you can handle her ignoring you for a little while, you may have passed her test.

3. She’s trying to get your attention

In some cases, a Scorpio woman may ignore you because she’s trying to get your attention.

She knows that you’re the type who’s more likely to chase after her, and she may be playing hard to get.

4. She’s not interested in you anymore

Unfortunately, sometimes a Scorpio woman will ignore you because she’s simply not interested in you anymore.

If she’s lost interest, there’s not much you can do to change her mind. You’ll just have to move on.

5. You’re annoying

If you’re wondering why a Scorpio woman is ignoring you, it’s likely because she finds you irritating.

It could be something as simple as the way you chew your food or the way you always have to be right.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to try to see things from her perspective and make an effort to change whatever it is that’s bothering her.

Otherwise, she’s likely to continue to ignore you, and eventually, she may decide that it’s not worth the effort of trying to get to know you better.

6. She doesn’t trust you

Scorpio women are known for their passion and intensity, but they can also be very distrusting.

If a Scorpio woman ignores you, it’s likely because she doesn’t trust you. She may be suspicious of your motives, or she may simply not feel comfortable opening up to you.

Either way, it’s important to respect her boundaries and give her the space she needs. If you try to push too hard, she will only pull away further.

The best way to win a Scorpio woman’s trust is to be patient and understanding.

Once she sees that you’re sincere and trustworthy, she’ll let down her guard and let you into her life.

7. She’s offended by you

Scorpio women are known for their fiery intensity, and when they’re offended, they tend to be icy cold.

If you’ve done something to upset a Scorpio woman, she’s likely to completely ignore you. Scorpio women can hold a grudge, and they might try to get revenge. 

If you’ve wronged a Scorpio woman, it’s best to apologize.

8. She doesn’t want to hurt you

If a Scorpio woman is ignoring you it’s not because she doesn’t care about you.

It’s probably because she doesn’t want to hurt you. Scorpio women are known for their passion and intensity, but they can also be very emotional.

If a Scorpio woman is ignoring you, it’s probably because she’s trying to protect her own heart but more importantly yours.

9. She’s trying to figure out her feelings

A Scorpio woman might be ignoring you because she’s trying to figure out her own feelings.

Scorpio women are very introspective and they often need time alone to process their emotions.

If a Scorpio woman is ignoring you, it’s likely because she’s trying to make sense of her own feelings and she doesn’t want to involve you until she’s sure of what she’s feeling.

10. She feels you’re not listening to her

Scorpio women are very passionate and they like to be heard. If a Scorpio woman is ignoring you, it’s possible that she feels you’re not listening to her.

Scorpio women need to feel like they’re being heard and understood. If you’re not giving her the attention she needs, she might start to ignore you.

11. She’s interested in someone else

It’s possible that she’s interested in someone else and she’s ignoring you because of it.

She might be waiting for the other person to make a move or she might be trying to get over them by talking to someone else.

If she’s not making any effort to talk to you or she’s not interested in anything you have to say, it’s probably best to move on.

12. She thinks you’re pushing too hard

If you’re constantly trying to get her to talk to you or spend time with you, she’s going to start feeling suffocated and eventually push you away.

Scorpio women need their space and if you’re not giving it to them, they’ll start to ignore you.

You cannot be trying too hard to make your relationship a thing or feel like you’ve claimed her or she might stop talking to you.

13. She needs more space

A Scorpio woman needs a lot of space and independence. If she feels like you’re suffocating her, she’ll start to distance herself from you.

If you want to keep a Scorpio woman interested, it’s important to give her the space she needs to be herself.

She’ll probably never change for you and will stop talking to you if she thinks that you’re trying to change her.

14. She feels like she’s on a different wavelength than you

If a Scorpio woman feels like she’s on a different wavelength than the person she’s talking to, she’ll probably start to ignore them.

This can be due to a number of factors, including the fact that she’s a water sign and you’re an air sign, for example.

She may also feel like you’re not really listening to her or understanding her needs, and so she’ll try to distance herself from you.

15. She needs some time to cool off

If a Scorpio woman suddenly stops talking to you and starts ignoring it’s probably because you’ve done something to upset her.

If you’ve done something to upset her, give her some space and time to calm down.

Once she’s had some time to herself, she’ll probably be ready to talk and listen to what you have to say.

16. She thinks you’re not being honest with her

Honest is an important part of any relationship with a Scorpio woman. If she feels like you’re not being honest with her, she’ll start to ignore you.

Scorpio women can smell BS from miles.

If she’s constantly asking you questions and you’re not being truthful with your answers, she’ll get frustrated and eventually ignore you.

17. She thinks you’re being too clingy

You cannot be clingy with a Scorpio woman and expect her to want to stick around.

If you’re constantly texting her and calling her, she’s probably going to get annoyed.

Scorpio women need their space and if you’re not giving it to them, they’ll ignore you.

They want a relationship but they don’t want to be tied down on the hip.

18. She thinks you’re crossing her boundaries

If a Scorpio woman tells you that she doesn’t like something, believe her.

She’s not the type to mince words and she means what she says.

If you continue to do whatever it is that she doesn’t like, she will eventually get to the point where she just ignores you.

It’s her way of protecting herself from someone who doesn’t respect her boundaries.

And we can’t blame her.

19. She’s not ready to open up to you

Scorpio women can be very guarded. They don’t let just anyone into their lives.

If a Scorpio woman is ignoring you, it’s likely because she doesn’t feel comfortable opening up to you yet.

20. She’s not sure if she wants to be with you.

A Scorpio woman can be very passionate and intense. When she’s interested in someone, she’ll be completely focused on them.

However, if she’s not interested, she’ll probably completely ignore them. She’s not the type of person to play games or lead someone on.

If a Scorpio woman is ignoring you, it’s probably because she’s not sure if she wants to be with you.

She may be waiting to see if you make the first move or if you’re worth her time and energy.

21. You’re not giving her what she needs

Not listening to what a Scorpio woman need is a big mistake. If you’re not giving her what she needs, she will soon get tired of you and start to ignore you.

Scorpio women need to feel wanted, needed and appreciated. They need to know that you’re there for them and that you’ll support them no matter what.

If you’re not giving her what she needs, she’ll start to ignore you.

22. She’s not feeling it with you

A person’s energy is an important thing for a Scorpio woman. She can feel it from you whether you’re compatible with her or not.

If she doesn’t feel a strong connection with you, she’ll ignore you.

And it’s not something you can fake with her.

23. You’re not what she’s looking for

A Scorpio woman is looking for someone who can understand her and appreciate her for who she is. If you’re not that person, she’ll ignore you.

She’s also attracted to confident and strong men who know what they want in life. If you’re not confident or you don’t know what you want, she’ll ignore you.

Lastly, Scorpio women are attracted to men who are a challenge. If you’re too easy to get, she’ll ignore you.

So, if a Scorpio woman is ignoring you, it’s probably because you’re not what she’s looking for.

24. She’s not interested in you romantically

If a Scorpio woman is not attracted to you romantically, she might ignore you.

She’s not interested in leading you on or stringing you along. She wants nothing to do with you.

25. She’s not interested in you as a friend

If she doesn’t think you have anything in common, she might ignore you.

She’s not interested in wasting her time with someone she doesn’t think she can be friends with.

26. She’s upset with you

If you’ve done something to upset a Scorpio woman, she might ignore you.

It’s her way of punishing you and making you feel guilty.

She’s not the type of person to forgive and forget easily. You’ll need to work hard to get back into her good graces.

27. She’s not interested in your attention or talking

If she thinks you’re only interested in her because she’s a Scorpio woman, she’ll probably ignore you.

She’s not interested in being someone’s trophy.

If she thinks you’re boring, she’ll probably ignore you. There’s nothing worse than having a conversation with someone who’s not interesting.

28. She’s just playing hard to get

It’s possible that she’s playing hard to get. She might be testing you to see how interested you are in her.

If you give up too easily, she’ll know you’re not worth her time and she’ll continue to ignore you.

What makes a Scorpio woman doesn’t ignore you?

One of the main things that will not cause a Scorpio woman to stop talking to you is if she feels like you’re being the real you with her.

And don’t even think about trying to forcefully or manipulatively change because she will not like that.

If you want to keep a Scorpio woman interested, you need to be able to hold your own in conversation.

She is intelligent and inquisitive, and she will quickly see through any attempts to bullshit her.

Instead, be honest and open with her, and when you decide to share your thoughts and opinions be honest about them.

Have good intentions in the relationship.

If you can keep her guessing, she will never get bored with you. So don’t be afraid to mix things up and keep her on her toes.

As long as you are genuine and honest with her, a Scorpio woman might remain interested in you.


If you’re trying to get a Scorpio woman’s attention and she seems to be ignoring you, make sure that your behavior isn’t turning her off.

Respect her boundaries and try being genuine with her.

Communicate with her, have conversations, and try to be a friend. Try to get her to be more comfortable with you and have pure and honest intentions for your relationship.

That means caring for her and not just dealing with her because there is a benefit for you.

A Scorpio woman can seem difficult if you’re not taking the time to understand her.

But when you do understand her you’ll see that there is more to her personality than meets the eyes and a great relationship with her starts with her being able to trust and depend on you.

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