25 Reasons why a Scorpio man is distant

If you’ve ever been interested in dating a Scorpio man, you may have noticed that he can be distant at times.

While this might be frustrating and a turnoff for some people, it is actually part of what makes him so intriguing to others.

There are many reasons why a Scorpio man might become distant with you, but two of the most common reasons are lack of trust and communication.

Let’s look at some more;

25 Reasons why a Scorpio man becomes distant

1. He’s afraid of getting rejected and hurt

A Scorpio man is often afraid of being rejected and getting hurt. If he feels like you are not trustworthy, he will distance himself from you.

He may not want to put himself in a position where he could be hurt emotionally.

If you want to get close to him, try showing him that you’re interested in him and that you’re willing to take things slow.

In order to gain his trust, try being honest and transparent with him.

2. He’s not ready for a relationship

A Scorpio man may be distant because he’s not ready for a committed relationship.

He may just want to have fun and keep things casual.

If you’re looking for something more serious, you may need to have a conversation with him about your expectations.

And try not to pressure him into something he’s not ready for.

3. He’s no longer infatuated with you

Infatuation is often mistaken for love, but it’s not the same thing.

The meaning of infatuation is “an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.”

If a Scorpio man is only infatuated with you, he may eventually lose interest and become distant.

To keep his attention, you need to continue to be interesting and mysterious. Don’t let him get too comfortable with you and keep things exciting.

This is not the best solution though, only part of it.

The most important thing that you can do is get to know him on a deeper level.

4. He doesn’t think you like him

A Scorpio man may become distant if he feels like you don’t like him.

He may interpret your behavior as a sign that you’re not interested in him.

It’s important to be clear about your feelings for him. If you want to pursue a relationship with him, let him know.

And try to be patient with him; he may just need some time to warm up to you.

5. He wants to spend time with his friends

Don’t make the mistake of being too needy and clingy with your Scorpio man or he may become tired of you quickly.

If a Scorpio man doesn’t get a chance to spend alone time away from you he might start becoming distant.

He may want to spend time with his friends and have some space every now and then.

It’s important to be understanding and give him the freedom to do what he wants and not try to control him.

If you’re feeling insecure, try communicating with him about it.

6. He’s focused on doing other things

A Scorpio man may become distant because he’s focused on other things. He may be busy with work or school and doesn’t have time for a relationship.

He may also be going through some personal issues that he doesn’t want to talk about.

If you’re concerned about his distance, try asking him if he’s okay and if there’s anything you can do to help.

And give him some space to sort out whatever he’s dealing with.

7. The relationship is moving too fast

A Scorpio man likes to take things slow and if the relationship is moving too fast for him, he may start to feel suffocated.

If you’re feeling like things are progressing too quickly, try slowing down and giving him some time to adjust.

And try not to pressure him into doing anything he’s not comfortable with so that he doesn’t become distant with you.

8. He’s been hurt before

By default, a Scorpio man is not the easily trusting type and if he has been hurt before, he may have a harder time trusting you.

He may become distant and guarded as a way to protect himself from getting hurt again.

If you want to build trust with him, open up to him about your feelings and give him time to do the same.

The point is to communicate with him and be understanding of his feelings.

9. You turn him off

There are many things that can turn a Scorpio man off, including being too needy or clingy, being too controlling, or being too boring.

If you’re not sure what’s turning him off, try asking him if he thinks you’re doing anything that’s pushing him away.

He may be hesitant to tell you at first, but he’ll appreciate your willingness to communicate.

Just try not to ask these question after an argument and instead do it in a more relaxed setting like having a casual conversation on a date.

And once you know what’s turning him off, try to make some changes so that he doesn’t become so distant.

10. He thinks you’re incompatible

Maybe he thinks there are too many things that he likes that you dislike or vice versa.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that he wants to end things, but rather that he’s trying to figure out if the relationship is worth pursuing.

The best thing to do is talk to him about it and see where he’s coming from. If you can find some common ground, it may help him feel more connected to you.

11. He feels misunderstood

If a Scorpio man feels like there is a disconnection in the conversations he has with you or that you don’t understand him, he may start to feel distant.

It’s important to be understanding and try to see things from his perspective. He may just need some time to open up to you.

And once he does, he’ll probably feel closer to you.

12. He doesn’t want to lead you on

Sometimes a Scorpio man may start to pull away because he doesn’t want to lead you on.

He may feel like he’s not ready for a relationship or that he doesn’t want to hurt you.

If this is the case, it’s best to talk to him about it and see where he’s coming from. If he’s not ready for a relationship, maybe you can be friends.

And if he is ready for a relationship, then maybe he just needs some reassurance from you that you’re on the same page.

13. It’s just a physical attraction

Maybe the relationship started because it was only a physical attraction for him and now he’s realized that there’s nothing more to it.

It happens, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like you as a person.

He may just need some time to figure out his feelings. In the meantime, try not to take it personally and focus on enjoying your time together.

14. He’s not over his ex

It’s possible that a Scorpio man is still hung up on his ex.

If he’s distant, it may be because he’s not over her and he’s trying to figure out his feelings.

The best thing you can do is talk to him about it and see where he’s at.

If he’s not ready to move on, then you may have to accept that and move on yourself.

15. He’s busy with work

A Scorpio man may become distant because he’s busy with work. He may be preoccupied with his job and have no time for anything else.

If this is the case, try to be understanding and give him some space. He’ll probably appreciate it and come back to you when he has more time.

16. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings

It’s possible that the Scorpio man is no longer interested in the relationship but really cares about your feelings.

He doesn’t want to hurt you, so he may start to distance himself instead.

If this is the case, you should talk to him about it and see if there’s anything you can do to salvage the relationship.

And if not, at least you’ll know that he still cares about you but does not want a serious relationship.

Knowing this could save your time and prevent you from getting heartbroken.

17. He doesn’t want to argue with you

A Scorpio man may become distant because he doesn’t want to argue with you.

He may feel like it’s pointless to have a discussion when it will only end in an argument.

If this is the case, try to have a calm discussion when you have disagreements.

And try to really listen and avoid jumping to conclusions in conversations.

18. You’re not what he’s looking for

It’s possible that the Scorpio man is not interested in you because you’re not what he’s looking for.

He may want something different or he may not be ready for a serious relationship.

If this is the case, it’s probably best to move on and find someone who is interested in you and who wants the same things as you.

19. He thinks you’re seeing other people

A Scorpio can become distrustful of their partner for various reasons, but one of the most common is if they think you’re seeing other people.

He may become distant for this reason, as he doesn’t want to get hurt.

If you can assure him that you’re not interested in anyone else, he may open up again.

20. He’s living a double life

He may be pretending to be someone he’s not when he’s not with you.

Maybe he has another family or woman.

This can be exhausting and he may eventually start to distance himself from you because he can’t pretend any longer.

If you find out that this is the case, it’s probably best to move on.

21. He doesn’t like you anymore

This can be harsh to find out, but sometimes a Scorpio man may become distant because he simply doesn’t like you anymore.

It’s possible that he’s lost interest or that he’s met someone else.

If this is the case, there’s not much you can do except move on. It’s better to know the truth than to stay in a relationship that’s not working.

22. He’s playing games with you

He may be trying to make you jealous or he may be testing your patience.

A Scorpio man may play games with you to see how you react or to see if you’re still interested in him.

If this is the case, try to talk to him about it and see what his intentions are.

It’s possible that he’s just trying to get a rise out of you and if that’s the case, it’s best to ignore him.

Eventually, it’s best to set boundaries, and expectations and talk about ways to have a healthy relationship.

23. He doesn’t trust you

A Scorpio man may become distant because he doesn’t trust you. He may feel like he can’t rely on you and that you’re not being honest with him.

If this is the case, you need to try to rebuild his trust. Be more reliable and be honest with him about your feelings and your intentions.

And he might come around if you show him that he can trust you.

24. He doesn’t think you’re ready for a relationship

A Scorpio man won’t give his heart to you unless he knows that you’re really serious about him.

And if he doesn’t think you’re ready for a relationship he’ll become distant.

He may feel like you’re not ready to commit or that you’re not ready to handle a serious relationship.

If this is the case, you should talk to him about it and see if there’s anything you can do to change his mind.

25. You’re not on the same page

Maybe the Scorpio man is becoming distant because he feels like you’re at different stages in the relationship.

He may want something different than what you want or he may be ready for something more serious while you’re not.

It’s important to talk about your expectations and desires for the relationship early on.

That way, you can avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings later on.

Why does a Scorpio man become distant?

The truth is that Scorpio men can be very private, and they often have trouble opening up and expressing their feelings, because of fear of getting hurt.

As such, they tend to keep others at arm’s length until they feel comfortable enough to share their deep thoughts in the relationship.

This is usually because communication, being non-judgmental, openness, and trust are lacking in the relationship.

But if you’re willing to invest the time to work on those issues and the patience needed to get past his initial guardedness, you’ll discover that this mysterious man has a lot to offer.

A Scorpio man can be passionate, intelligent, and loyal, and he always strives to live life on his own terms.

He’s always looking out for those he cares about and cherishes relationships that he finds true to him.

What to do when a Scorpio man becomes distant

If you’re dating a Scorpio man and he suddenly seems distant, it can be confusing and frustrating.

But rather than getting upset, it’s important to try to understand what’s going on. Scorpio men need a lot of alone time to process their thoughts and feelings, so it’s possible that he’s just focusing on himself right now.

It’s also possible that he’s feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of your relationship and needs some space to breathe.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to give him the time and space he needs.

If you try to push too hard, it will only make him pull away further. So instead, just be patient and wait for him to come back around.

He’ll appreciate your understanding and patience, and your relationship will be stronger for it in the long run.

Scorpio man distant after intimacy

If a Scorpio man becomes distant after intimacy it’s probably because he didn’t enjoy being intimate with you or felt like he performed well.

Scorpios are stereotyped to be really good when someone is intimate with them.

This sort of pressure can cause him to always question himself about how well he performs when he’s intimate with someone and if he doesn’t feel like you or he is up to par, he can start to distance himself.

Maybe he felt things weren’t as mind-blown as he expected for both of you.

Scorpio man acting like he doesn’t care

When a Scorpio man acts like he doesn’t care about you, it can be really confusing and hurtful.

But many of the time he does this it’s because he wants to test how much you care about him or he’s trying to hide his pain.

A lot of time while a Scorpio man is acting like he doesn’t care about you, he actually does more than he shows on the outside.

He may appear distant but still loves and care for you.

He’s probably in a lot of pain and is trying to convince himself that he doesn’t care so that he can numb the pain.

Other times he might just be trying to really get over you and he’ll act like he doesn’t care until he really starts to believe and feel that way.

It’s just a defense mechanism for him. If you really want to know how he feels, give him some time and space and see if he comes back around.

A Scorpio man might also try to distance himself when he realizes that he is falling in love with you.

The truth is that he’s just trying to protect himself from getting hurt.

Scorpio men often have trust issues, so it’s not uncommon for him to try to push you away when he starts to fall for you.

But one of the most common reasons why he’ll push someone away and at least not open up about his feelings is because he probably doesn’t trust the person.

And he doesn’t feel comfortable expressing himself with them.


If you’re with a Scorpio man that is sometimes distant with you it’s best to talk about his behavior after he’s had some time to process whatever is going on for him.

It’s also good to remember that he might just need some alone time and that it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Try setting boundaries with him about this type of behavior and how he’ll manage his need to be distant in the relationship, without communicating with you.

That means that he can’t shut down and become distant without talking to you about how he feels and what he wants.

Because that kind of behavior makes the relationship difficult for you to deal with.

In reality, Scorpios are complex people who crave deep connections with others, yet they may also struggle to open up emotionally.

This is reflected in their tendency towards introversion.

They often prefer spending time alone, contemplating their thoughts and feelings rather than interacting with others.

However, when a Scorpio man does decide to share his innermost self with someone, those he loves can be sure that it is boundless and unconditional.

Your Scorpio man will have to choose how he deals with his need to be distant if he wants to maintain a healthy relationship with you.

Your job is to make him feel secure in the relationship and that he can trust you.

At the end of the day, communication is the best thing that can and will solve this in the relationship.

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