25 Signs a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you

When a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you, you may never know it and he might never tell you.

A Scorpio is not the type to come out and tell you that he loves you.

He might be serious about you and might not express his love to you.

He wants to know what your feelings are for him first before he says anything.

This is because he doesn’t want to get hurt.

With this being the case, how can you tell if he’s secretly in love and likes you?

Here are some of the signs.

25 Signs a Scorpio man might be secretly in love with you

1. He’s jealous of you

When a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you he may become very jealous of you.

He may try to control who you talk to and what you do. If he sees you talking or even looking at another man he may become very jealous.

2. He tries to make you jealous

When a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you he’ll try to make you jealous.

He knows that the best way to get your attention is to make you think that he’s interested in someone else.

He’ll flirt with other women and talk about his ex-girlfriends in an attempt to make you jealous.

3. He opens up to you

A Scorpio man is not someone who easily opens up about himself.

In fact, he is quite guarded when it comes to his personal life.

However, if he starts sharing his past with you, it means that he trusts you enough to let you into his life.

He might mean that he finds you special and is looking for something more serious.

4. He tries to seduce you

If a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you, he will try to seduce you.

He will be very flirty and might even try to kiss you.

He wants you to feel the same way about him, so he will do everything he can to make you feel attracted to him.

But he won’t just try to seduce you with his words, he will also use his body language.

He will stand close to you, touch you, and look into your eyes. He wants to make sure you know how he feels about you.

5. He acts possessive of you

One of the other signs a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you is that he will start to act possessive of you.

He may not be the most outwardly affectionate guy, but he will definitely start to get jealous if he sees you talking to or spending time with other guys.

6. He’s interested in knowing you

When a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you he will want to know everything about you.

He’ll ask probing questions and want to get to the bottom of who you are and what makes you tick.

He’s not interested in surface-level conversations, he wants to get to know the real you.

7. He pursues you relentlessly

When a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you, he might go out of his way to pursue you.

He will be very persistent and might even come across as a little bit pushy.

8. He compliments you a lot

If a Scorpio man is in love with you he’ll probably constantly tell you how beautiful, smart, and talented you are.

He loves finding new ways to compliment you and make you feel good about yourself.

9. He touches you often

One of the most obvious signs a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you is the way he touches you.

He’s always looking for an excuse to touch you, whether it’s to brush your hair out of your face or to help you carry something heavy.

He loves finding excuses to be close to you and to touch you because it makes him feel connected to you.

10. He responds well to your advances

If you make it clear that you’re interested in him, he will usually respond favorably.

If he didn’t want anything to do with you, he would make it abundantly clear.

But if he’s secretly in love with you, he will find ways to be near you and will respond favorably to your advances.

He may not make a move himself, but he will let you know that he’s interested.

11. He wants to know what’s on your mind

The Scorpio man is known for being a bit of a mystery.

He’s the type that is often in the background, observing and taking everything in.

He’s also the type that is always thinking, and he likes to try to figure people out.

So, if you find that a Scorpio man is suddenly asking you a lot of questions, it’s probably because he’s secretly in love with you and wants to know more about you.

12. He loves being alone with you

When a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you he enjoys spending time alone with you and enjoys your company.

He may not always show it, but if he’s always trying to find ways to make sure you’re both alone, it’s probably because he secretly loves being around you.

13. He is very dramatic with you

Sometimes when a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you he is afraid to show his feelings for you.

He will be very romantic and even a little bit over-the-top.

He wants you to know just how much he cares about you.

But the additional thing that comes with this is that when he’s secretly in love with you he’ll use small things to start arguments.

This is probably because he is frustrated with something you’re doing.

Or maybe you’re not able to recognize that he has feelings for you.

14. He gives you his full attention in conversations

If a Scorpio man is constantly hanging on your every word and trying to engage in deep conversations, it’s a good sign that he’s probably secretly in love with you.

He’s interested in your thoughts and feelings, and he wants to get to know you on a deeper level.

15. He makes intense eye contact

When a Scorpio man is interested in someone, he will make intense eye contact.

This is his way of trying to connect with the person on a deeper level.

He wants to know everything about you.

16. He’s very protective of you

If a Scorpio man is constantly looking out for you and watching your back, it’s a good sign that he’s secretly in love with you.

He could mean that he’s not just being a good friend, he’s trying to protect and keep you safe because he cares about you deeply.

17. He asks you out on a date

When a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you, he might ask you out on a date.

This is his way of showing you that he is interested in you and wants to spend time with you.

He may take you to a romantic restaurant or buy you flowers and chocolates.

Scorpio men are known for being romantic and they will go out of their way to make you feel special.

18. He’s always there for you when you need him

No matter what you need, whether it’s a shoulder to cry on or someone to help you move furniture, he’s always there for you.

He’s your own personal knight in shining armor, and you know he would do anything for you.

If this describes your relationship with a Scorpio man then deep down he’s probably secretly in love with you.

19. He goes above and beyond for you

If a Scorpio man goes out of his way to help you, it’s probably because he’s secretly in love with you.

There’s no task too big or small for him when it comes to taking care of you.

He’ll move mountains to make sure you’re happy and comfortable.

20. He surprises you with thoughtful gifts

When a Scorpio man is secretly in love with you he might go out of his way to make sure you feel special.

He’ll surprise you with thoughtful gifts, random acts of kindness, and he’ll always be there when you need him.

You might find that he’s constantly trying to please you and make you happy.

21. He introduces you to his friends and family

If a Scorpio man is comfortable enough with you to introduce you to the people who are important to him, it’s a good sign he’s secretly in love with you.

He wants those closest to him to approve of you and vice versa.

22. He can’t stay away from you

If a Scorpio man is constantly seeking your company and hanging around you, it’s a good sign that he’s secretly in love with you.

He enjoys being in your presence and can’t stand to be away from you for too long.

23. You make him feel comfortable

A Scorpio man is not an emotionally open person.

It takes a lot for him to feel comfortable enough to share his feelings with someone.

If he feels comfortable with you, it’s probably a sign that he’s secretly in love with you.

24. He pays attention to the little things

A Scorpio man is known for being a very detail-oriented person.

So, if he’s paying attention to the little things about you, it might be a sign that he’s secretly in love with you.

For example, he remembers the name of your favorite flower, your birthday, a special day for you, or the coffee shop you like to go to.

25. He trusts you with his secrets

Trusting you with his secrets is another sign a Scorpio man might be secretly in love with you.

This is a big deal for Scorpios because they are very private people.

If he feels comfortable enough to share his innermost thoughts and feelings with you, it means he really cares about you and wants to connect with you on a deep level.

Why would a Scorpio man be secretly in love with you?

Here are three reasons why a Scorpio man might become secretly in love with you:

He’s afraid of getting hurt

A Scorpio man has been hurt before and is afraid of opening himself up to that pain again. But the more he gets to know you and sees how special you are, the more he realizes that taking the risk is worth it.

He doesn’t want to scare you away

He knows that he can be intense and overwhelming, so he may try to keep his feelings under wraps for fear of scaring you off. But the more time he spends with you, the harder it becomes to hide his true feelings.

He wants it to be special

A Scorpio man doesn’t just fall in love with anyone – he wants it to be special and meaningful. And if he believes that you’re his soulmate, he’ll try to do his best to make the relationship work.


So is your Scorpio man in love with you and just won’t show it?

It’s hard to say for sure, but there are definitely some signs that he may be.

If you want to know for sure, keep an eye out for these behaviors and see if they match up with what you’re seeing in your own relationship.

And if you decide that yes, your Scorpio guy does have feelings for you, go ahead and try to get him to open up to you.

He’s a passionate lover who will sweep you off your feet.

But he’s not the type to come up to you and say that he loves you without really being comfortable and getting to know you first.

Sometimes he might want you to initiate and give him more signs that you’re interested in him before telling you that he’s in love with you.

That’s if he’s not one of the Scorpio men that might tell you indirectly by giving you subtle signs.

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